Name: Rick Macera Gender: Male Age: 13 Derse or Prospit?: Derse Fetch Modus: Mix and match Strife Specibus: bat-kind Weapon: Wooden baseball bat Sprite: The prototypes are a dead cactus and a broken [talking toy robot]( end result is Robosprite : the robot's upper body covered in cactus needles with a crack in the helmet and the standard sprite tail. Server Player: Unknown for now Client Player: Unknown for now Title:[Heir of Light]( Medium: Land of Knowledge and Illusions Denizen: Echidna Description/Picture: Rick is both a bit overweight and short for his age.He has short black hair and brown-green eyes. He tends to wear comfortable clothing without worrying if it goes well together, though he at least makes sure nothing clashes. [His symbol is on an orange spiral](