WARLORD CS_ http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/square_small/16/164924/2442992-attila.jpg Name: Naranbaatar Age 30 Normal clothes: What he wears in the picture despite being armour Weapons (optional): His long blade (in pic) Armor (optional): Leather Armour Skills: Horse riding, Swordplay (includes spears) and Archery Bio: One of the many sons of the former High chief of Lorngarad he cut down his Once-brothers in honourable combat which earned him a place at his fathers feast table and war council and even a small town to rule over that his fathers infamous horde had conquered. Naranbaatar's exploits in combat were not over however as he had to cut even more opponents down if he ever wished to succeed his father and take his rightful title. And so the time came when no opponents were left standing and the only opponent left was Naranbaatars father himself. One morning the two left for the mountains together and Naranbaatars father had once done with his father who was also chief. And as if history was repeating itself the son emerged from the mountain and became the undisputed chief of his people. Since then Naranbaatar has proven to be more than capable ruler. Although preferring to rule with a Iron fist he has implemented several reforms, for instance a permanent capital. Info: Only Naranbaatar knows it but he likes to paint pictures one of the many things his people have discovered as they have come into contact with major powers PROVINCE CS__ Name: Lorngarad Flag: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130728092509/pixelnations/images/a/a3/KoRT_Flag.png Geographic description (see the map!): Left to Okari, Under the Sakura alliance Capital city: Norgyar 4 Important cities: Ultar Gurman Kan Mildar (conquered by Lorngarad) Tel Bashir (conquered by Lorngarad) Religion?: The Lorngaradians are a superstitious people and have a very large pantheon as they add gods each time a new place with a new customs is conquered. There are still several important deities however: Teleman: God of horses and other riding beasts, a favourite among the locals Faru: The god of the hunt and sacred life Kartan: God of war Customs?: Up until very recently the Lorngaradians were still Nomads and so only the youngest generation have not learnt to hunt but are instead being taught the ways of the farm from their more industrious neighbours. Horse riding is extremely important as they are a key weapon in the Lorngaradian army, everyone, even the girls, are taught how to ride a horse and at the very least taught how to wield a sword More info?: The Lorngaradians have no cast system but one that relies on raw physical power, the lowest can become the highest if he can wield a blade properly, so long as he isn't a slave of course. Also A new merchant class is beginning to emerge as Lorngarad has stopped its isolationist policy and neighbouring countries and are taking a interest in these strange new people and their foreign goods ARMY CS___ Unit types (footsoldiers, cavalry, Ships, Etc, PICTURES OF THEIR ARMOR NEEDED): Heavy Armour Horse back: http://images.wikia.com/deadliestfiction/images/6/64/Mongol_Armor.jpg Light Armoured or Archer horse back: http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/130/9/d/Final_Mongolian_Warrior_by_mr_macd.jpg Heavy foot soldier: http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/098/9/f/chinese_warrior_by_i_m_m_o-d4vfueg.jpg Light foot soldier: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/bf/c4/d1/bfc4d1bea67eb0ed3e0bb1a2f5b726ef.jpg Field Commander (but would be on horse): http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20141018133339/assassinscreed/images/c/c4/ACM_Genghis_Khan_1.png War is peace