I am bringing back Caldwell’s Academy of Magical Talents and Draconic Arts once more since it is one of my favorite RPs. This time I am having a few rules that I am using so that people will be more literate and add more to the plot lines. RP Rules: 1) Be online at least every other day. If you are going to be gone for more than a day, please post it on the OOC. If you do not post your absence, the following will happen. At 3 days, you will be placed in the infirmary. At 5 days, you will be given a written reminder. At 7 days, you will no longer be in the RP. If you PM me with the reason why you were gone, you may be reinstated into the RP. I just want committed players that will be here nearly every day if not every day. 2) I do not like one liners! Please post at least 5 full sentences of 5 words or at least 25 words minimum. 3) Nothing above PG 13. Hand holding, light kissing, and hugs. Then fade to black or take it to the PMs. 4) Follow the rainbow. 5) No Godmoding without permission! 6) Do not post before you are accepted into the RP. 7) Keep Player Knowledge Separate From Character Knowledge. 8) Place the line that is not a rule in the other line of the character sheet. 9) Respect the other players. 10) More will be added if I see the need for more. For those who have not attended Caldwell’s Academy of Magical Talents and Draconic Arts, you will be taking classes and in the future you will have a chance to be one of the leaders of the world. This world has no other Magic Users in this world but you will meet new creatures. This RP is about school, classes and mishaps that happen. Basic Plot Introduction: In a galaxy outside of The Milky Way and yet it dips into The Milky Way for two months out of the Earth year, is a galaxy was called The Bridge Mix for it was a mixture of unique masses of geodes and meteors that float around the galaxy. It was newly made for magic users or the ones with a Magical Core. In this galaxy is a lonely planet called Safe Haven. It had a warm star called Solaria and a cooler star called Lunaria. They each ruled for 12 hours out of the day. On Safe Haven was a land mass called Sanctuary. On Sanctuary was a small community of magic users. Most of the magic users were of the common stock. Only one stood out and that one was Lady Violetta. She was given the job of running an academy of magic. All of these people were once from Earth but they do not remember being there except Lady Violetta. She needed to remember for she was to get students from Earth that had a magical core. Most of them will not be happy that they would be taken from Earth to study for a time. Hopefully they would return for a second semester after they go home. Only time will tell……… This Academy will have two separate set of classes. They are Traditional Magical Talents Classes which does have modern technical advances that she has created and the new Draconic Arts Academy. There are a few classes that both Traditional Magic Students and Draconic Students will share. You will receive the best education that can be had on the planet. There are many perks such as receiving a pet or dragon as well as many other free items. If you wish to do both sets of classes, you may! I have set up a Wiki Site for this RP. [Chart](http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i325/TheCreator7/0-My%20Caldwells%20RP%20Class/Class%20Schedule%20and%20related%20items/PersonalTendency_zpse291ec9d.png) I will have all of the information of my classes in it. If you have questions, feel free to ask! Feel free to fill out one of the following forms and either enroll or be a staff member in one of the best Academies available. Staff positions are Butler, Nurse, and Draconic Teacher. These positions will not travel to new areas of the world. They will stay at the Academy. Only the students will be allowed to travel out of the Academy and only if they pass all of the classes. Only those students who keep up their Long Term Character Sheet will be allowed to own their own country! Name: Age when entered this world (New Haven: students are between 15 and 19: staff must be at least 25 Loop when entered New Haven: Loop 2 Gender: Family in New Haven: Likes: Dislikes: Personality: Room Number: first posted, first served History: Rank of the Basic 4 (Fire, Water, Earth, Air/Wind): 1) 2) 3) 4) Magical Affinity (natural liking or attraction is felt for – may not be available to the student until it is learned): Personal Tendency: [chart](http://http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i325/TheCreator7/0-My%20Caldwells%20RP%20Class/Class%20Schedule%20and%20related%20items/PersonalTendency_zpse291ec9d.png) Pets and when chosen: Education completed while on New Haven: Independent Courses taken: Careers: What are we going to follow?: (Rooms taken at this time:) 1) Jun Ri by dooly 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Mystique Rose deForest By Aisling 8) 9) 10) Definitions of Magics: 1) Air -- You can manipulate air, creating gusts of winds to blow away enemies, or keep yourself alive in worse areas by drawing in clean air to yourself. If used hard enough can wear down even the mightiest of stone. 2) Fire -- You can manipulate fire, adding heat and light to what you do, you both weaken shadows, and melt ice, as well as burn other organisms. However, a strong wind, or ample water or earth can snuff you out. 3) Water -- You can manipulate water, moistening things, doesn't sound like much, but drowning is an unpleasant way to die. You can also wear away at earth, and kill fires. Earth can mix with water to make mud and thusly kills the flow of water. 4) Earth -- You can manipulate the very earth around you, building the best shelters, fortifications, and the most resistant of any materials. But even a simple wind can erode you, or a strong one. And a mighty rush of water can knock you down. Staff only from here on down! 5) Plants -- You can manipulate plant life, easy way to contain another person, wrap item in vines, Also good for finding food, shelter, and other things. You can also communicate with the plants; figure out info from what they have been around. However, all plants can burn quite easily, from fire or strikes of lightning. 6) Electricity -- You can manipulate electricity, very much like fire, but faster and stronger. However it gives up the ability to be used in close combat situations. 7) Temperature-- You can manipulate the temperature around yourself and an area by moving the cold and heat sources to where you want. It is a complicated task that takes concentration because you have to remove the unwanted temperature the replace it with the desired temperature. 8) Sound -- You can manipulate sound, allowing yourself to listen in on others, sneak around, or give orders to people miles away without anyone in between to hear. You can also create a sonic boom, but such ability can also render your companions deaf if done incorrect. 9) Light -- You can manipulate light, making it so you can create illusions, or make physical manifestations of the light, such as weapons and armor. Weak at night. 10) Dimensional magic- You can move from time to another time. However, if you meet yourself or one of your own direct relatives, you will cease to exist. You may be even killed by the local people for various things such as witchcraft. It is very exhausting and difficult to do. It takes a long time to recover as well. 11) Creation magic-Using magic to build mechanisms. The best can even build a living body. When filled with a soul shard, this can bring people back from the dead. Those people have always been in complete shock and not really to be called living. This is because only a certain amount of soul shards can be fitted into such a body, not enough to recreate an actual soul. 12) Shadow -- You can manipulate shadows, and darkness, also can flux the shadow into 3D forms, such as weapons or armor. Weak in the day. 13) Mind -- You can control the minds of others, but only a handful at a time. This ability leaves you vulnerable to attacks, as your mind actually enters that of the controlled, leaving your body empty. 14) Gravity -- You can manipulate gravity, throwing things up in the air, hovering, or crushing things against the ground. However, the gravitation manipulation only affects a small area and you have to be in complete focus to do anything.