Well, I'm interested in trying out, but -and I really don't hope to sound rude here, because that is not at all my intention, and if it does, I apologize in advance- but if you're in casual, you probably want to check on your spelling, as it can be a bit of a turn off. I'm not saying it must be perfect, but there's some things that just seem sorta...well, again, not to sound rude, but lazy. In the meister CS, per say, you spelled 'Appearance' incorrectly, while in the weapon CS, it's spelled correctly. From this, I'm assuming it was rushed and overlooked, as it was spelled correctly once. Likewise with the spelling of 'Alright'. There's also the bumping of the thread...I mean, it's only been nine hours since you first posted this...give it a day, at least. It's just that it seems sort of impatient, which, again, is a bit of a turn off. Again, I really don't mean to be rude, and I'm super sorry if I do, it's just a bit of a turn off. Especially since the very first word in the post is misspelled. Just giving out some advice... Now, that put aside, I've got a few potentially stupid questions... 1) This will sound extremely stupid on my end...What exactly do you mean by 'RP everything'? I mean...I'm not even sure what I mean. It's probably just me over thinking everything as usual, but I'm really confused by this. Like, do you mean no time skips, lots of detail, something else entirely, or am I just being stupid? 2) I'm assuming that this takes place before or after the events of the anime/manga? As in, we won't be following the same plot, no canon characters, et cetera? 3) Will we be following the Manga, or the Anime? I'm only familiar with the later, so I'll have to do some research if we're going with the former. 4) What about witches, evil humans, and such? Will they be controlled by the GM, or would we, as NOT students, not fight them? Even if that's so, if we were to advance to EAT, what would happen then? 5) What do you mean by the standard rules...? 6) Will there be a specific plot we follow, or are we going to sandbox this? 7) Since I like to draw my own pictures, is it okay if mine's isn't anime? I normally draw in this strange middle ground between chibi and cartoon, and it's been literally 3 -almost 4- years since I drew anime regularly, meaning my art will such even more than it normally does if I try to draw anime. I can do normal chibi if you'd rather it not be the weird middle-ground between chibi and cartoon, but yeah...I just really don't want to use one I found online... 8) What level of RPing do you expect? Low-Casual, High-Casual, either or, somewhere in the middle...? Please excuse my questions, as well as my possible stupidity, rudeness, and ignorance. ^ ^" Anyways, after these questions are answered, I'll see if I'll join and start on my CS. :3