1.) I just want everyone to understand, I want weapons to pair up with Meisters. Only one char per person, and I want people to team up appropriately. At least at first, that way we don't have pairing between characters by one person. 2.) Yeah, I'm going to assume after the show. The characters that appear in either of the shows will be there, and may interact with you as npcs. Think of it like the connection between the original and Not!, small interactions without much importance. Although, I'll be fine with it in time. 3.) Never read the manga so... the Anime. 4.) At first your in NOT so you don't have to worry about it, the villeins will be played by the gm or other players. This doesn't count as the one player rule, they'll act more as NPCs. 5.) No godmoding, excetera... 6.) Sandboxing it I suppose, thats what I figured anyway. I'll fit in an overarching plot here or there, but that might not be too important ATM. 7.) Thats fine, just no overly realistic things or real pictures. 8.) Low-casual to medium, I don't think I could handle more. Depends on the interest I suppose. Thank you, sorry I'm impatient. I was just a bit tired.