**Name:** Isabelle "Belle" Freyone **Picture/Description:** [Belle](http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/f6/c6/f8/f6c6f84d91add157b6bb450911a26f22.jpg) [Belle, with hair down](http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/35/ca/60/35ca604961b8c98b05f0c1d211975673.jpg) **Age:** 17 **Gender:** Female **Personality:** Belle is known to be the loner. She does enjoy the company of others, but for whatever reason she will often times run off on her own to do her own thing. Not much is known about what she does but all know that it usually has something to do with the fine arts. She will often times lock herself up in her room to work on something, or even one of the classrooms, and will stay there for days. **Talent:** _Fine Arts_: Belle is what one would call a crazed artist. Whether it's painting, drawing, music, or literature, Belle has dabbled in it all. She will often times become 'enlightened' by her 'Muse' and leave suddenly to go work on something. _Muse_: Belle has an imaginary friend she calls Muse who talks to her and gives her ideas. He's mostly just a voice inside her head but sometimes he appears to give her characters inspiration or inspiration for a drawing, or a music piece. **Ability:** _Paint/Sing_: Belle can use paint, ink, or her voice to inspire an emotion. She throws paint/ink onto someone and they suddenly are overcome by a certain emotion, be it sadness, fear or happiness. She can also do this through song. (Credit to idea goes to my good friend 'FaithRose') _Listen_: Belle has very good ears and can hear whether or not someone is being honest. She can use this skill, along with another similar skill, to ascertain the intentions of someone. _Heart's Song_: Belle can feel/hear the heart's song of the people around her. Through this, she can know if someone is sad, happy, or feeling vindictive. She can also hear these songs from anywhere in the school within about a 5 mile radius. Sometimes it can be a blessing and sometimes a curse and she finds it very hard to zero in on a certain song. **Bio:** Belle grew up in an abusive home. She, herself, was never physically abused but she definitely was mentally abused in many ways. Her father was an alcoholic and would often beat her mother and blame Belle for it, saying she was the reason he had to do this to her. The only way Belle was able to cope was when she ran away from home. That day, she found an abandoned home with books, art and writing aplenty. There, she met Him, her Muse. He stood in the door way, standing tall like a King and greeted her. He played games with her, made her feel like a princess. They played and played and played. That day, her parents found her, but since she has found ways to sneak out to this place and play with her Muse. Eventually, he even followed her home. Since, Belle has been shipped off to Wales, to attend a school her grandfather suggested to her mother. She, and Muse, seem to like there but tend to keep to themselves for the most part. **Other:** Belle dislikes technology and will avoid it if at all possible but she does use a laptop for some of her writing and has a cell phone for practical purposes.