Jerod kept his peace for the most part, just listening and watching the back and forth from the various newcomers. The dark mage woman seemed stable enough, if one chose to ignore the eyeball fetish she seemed to have going. Well, that made her more a complete nutter then anything else, but since no one had directed commentary towards him yet, he kept his peace. That was, of course, until the dark mage nutter walked over and promptly introduced herself to Jerod and the spell spitter he had been working with. Her introduction seemed reasonable enough until the comment on bodypart artwork was made. Jerod couldn't decide whether to laugh or distance himself as far as possible. Well, if they were working together, distance wasn't going to work. So he just faced the situation with humor, chuckling and extending his hand to shake in greeting. "Ach, well, consider ma concerns at ease. Was never rightly concerned with ma carcass after death. Reckon if we're on the same side, introductions are needed. Call me Jerod, sword fer hire, at yer service."