Viral was not entirely confident in Vegeta’s ability to fix his problems, probably because the guy always acted overconfident in everything he did. He always saw himself as a winner, something that definitely ran in the family on all sides and probably wasn’t a good trait to carry around when trying to treat the unknown. He didn’t want to be greatly weakened if it worked as well, finding that thought to be so degrading and disgusting. He was never going to be okay with becoming a weakling and wish Vegeta had a different theory to what might happen, the very thought of that happening feeling almost as if his strength was going to be taken away from him permanently. It made him feel disgraced to be called a warrior, but there was not going to be anything he could do to prevent that he would gladly skip out on telling Vegeta stuff that might make him have to get extra treatment. “Hmph yeah, something he’s never done before and thinks he can do it in one shot! He hasn’t tested any prototypes with me yet so that doesn’t make me feel any better about it”, he spoke, letting out a sigh and gently shaking his head, “I just wouldn’t mind not looking like this and having all of these weird desires to do stupid things. Even the bloody water mesmerised me…” Choi didn’t like the thought of a perfectly fine race going down a destructive path akin to the Saiyan Empire, finding the very thought to be upsetting. He really did love studying races and their cultures, but hearing of some going down a dark path made him feel a little sad. Vegeta could deny it all he wanted but his technology could still send them down a destructive path and if they found a way around it then they would have to fight them. Giving a quick glance to his brother he soon turned back to Vegeta who decided to make a big deal out of what he said, narrowing his gaze before shrugging. “Depression is common in the Saiyan army, especially in the working class”, he spoke, not exactly seeing what Vegeta was getting annoyed about; it wasn’t as if he had it himself, “Who says I don’t have it myself and this is my way to hide it from all of you? You wouldn’t know. You don’t talk to the other crew that much to check to see if they are okay. Even that Shu kid has panic attacks, but would you even know about that? How he bit my brother’s tail and nearly mauled him all because he grabbed hold of him during training?” Kai was going to let Choi and Vegeta talk and if they were going to be uncivilised then he would be alright with booting them both off the edge of a building. It wouldn’t be such a big deal since it would give him peace and would be less food to go around too. Turning his attention to Kabocha was probably the best thing for both of them, even if it was just discussing food. Watching Kabocha grab a menu he raised an eyebrow, questioning what he was doing. He knew the menus would be in Kaesstrian meaning it probably would had been better to ask one of the waiters. Oh well, he would humour Kabocha until he figured out the correct method to finding out about the food, looking to the menu when Kabocha only got confused at its strange form of writing. “Hmm, I don’t think any of us can, at least T’charrl didn’t teach me any”, he spoke, looking around before pointing to a waiter, “We can ask that Kaesstrian, though. I’m sure they’ll be happy to serve if they tip you. We should go ask them”. T’charrl was definitely starting to feel a lot better already thanks to his friends, his confidence fairly high even if there was a little bit of doubt. He didn’t know why Haku would want to train with him especially with all that happened to him when he was around. There was also the matter that he was not confident that his people were ready to accept him, especially when he had been away for so long and was cared little about when he was around. However, as L’esta spoke about what the people thought about him he could only feel confused, looking down at himself before giving L’esta a smile. “I wouldn’t had thought that such a thing would ever cross their minds or that they would believe the story. I don’t know what to think of that”, he spoke, smiling to himself before giving Takeshi a look. He didn’t know how to take that kind of attention, finding the very thought of people being excited to see him again. It felt pretty nice to have people who were finally noticing you, even if they didn’t know what you looked like currently. He didn’t want to have them staring at the freak that he was now. Staring down at the painting he let out a sigh, moving it away from him and slowly standing up, “I think I know what I was missing now”, he spoke, looking down at his claws, “I was missing my desire to be who I am, I think. I didn’t want to be the weak, unlikeable kid…the one people thought was weird and forgettable. I didn’t want to be who was in the painting, but…I-I do. Maybe I can now, maybe if I try…I can do it”.