**Character sheet** You can have as many characters you want. > *Character sheet* > > Name: > > Age: > > Gender: > > Race: (I will allow custom races, but I need a thing or two from you. First you'll need the culture and > religion of the race, provided with a location of where they call home. Next I need a basic history of your race, what wars they fought etc. On my go, this will become an official race that others can join if they see fit..) > > Appearance: (Descriptions are preferred, but if you find a picture I'll take it. Just no anime pictures.) > Personality: > > Character type and traits: (Now you will find a general listing for how many traits you get, both positive and negative, below in a little hide box.) > > History: (Give us the basics, a paragraph or two will be sufficient. I want our characters to find out about each other as we would in real life. Put frankly, I want us to learn about each other as we go and allow us to grow our characters as we learn more about them.) > > Equipment: (Anything that you carry. No detail is needed unless it warrants it. Sword, shield and backpack with supplies? Have them in a simple, bullet point list. A family sword with a special and beautiful design? Best explain how it looks ;) ) > > Other: (Anything else?) > **Character type** > > *Templar Knight* – A Templar Knight is one who withstands the horde of Darkness with not only faith as his shield, but with durable and strong armour and swords as sharp as they come. Before the war with the Dead God, Templars were the trainees of the feared warriors of the Feer la Deen stronghold. They are courageous, but their holy vows gives them an air of self importance. People often feel afraid of their presence, the same vows that give them a chip on their shoulder also give them the right to purge any sort of darkness. > > -One positive trait and three negative. > >Guardian (Created by Tyne)- The shield for the sword. Guardians rely on heavy armor and high stamina, often carrying either oversized weaponry or a huge shield in addition to a more average-sized offensive tool. The strength required for such a style is no meager thing and often takes a lifetime to accumulate, resulting in minds that are honed by discipline just as much as bodies. Guardians tend to have some resistance to magic, both offensive and otherwise, though they are by no means immune and are just as susceptible as anyone to the environmental effects. One blow from a massive weapon is usually enough to down an the average assailant, though it may be hard to get such a strike; the heavy armor takes a toll on speed. They are not usually sociable or talkative people and tend to strike an intimidating visage, making them excellent bodyguards. > >>Two positive and two Negatives > >Hillklag Sellsword - (Kudos to Charter) Originating from a small town by the same name, the Hillklag Sellswords are a mercenary company who hire out their troops as either individuals or in groups, depending on pay and what the employer wishes to use them for. When in a group, these sellswords are a hit-and-run unit who specialize in support & harassment roles, depending on environment and who they're teamed up with. What makes them a valuable choice is that they're trained to navigate most, if not all, natural terrain to either out-flank or out-maneuver the enemy. When hired as an individual, or a small group, they tend to take up a variety of roles; enforcers, body guards, scouts, etc. Due to their choice of light armour, they train to both parry and dodge blows from enemy attacks. This makes them both agile and quick in combat. Unlike most forces, the Hillklag Sellswords don't force their troops to use a specific uniform or choice of weapon, with exception to ranged weaponry and heavy armour. The only thing that can be used to identify a Hillklag Sellsword, if they've survived their 'initiation phase', is a piece of gold armour with the mercenary company's symbol imprinted on it. These mercenaries tend to be arrogant, prideful and sometimes hot-headed. However, when payed, they can be loyal, brave and willing to obey orders from their employer to the letter. > >Two positive and two negative > > >Beserker - (Kudos to BingTheWing) Most common among the Glamhoth but can be taken up by almost anyone who has the strength to, the role of the berserker is a menace on the battlefield. Berserkers most commonly come from tribal backgrounds, but it is not uncommon to see a uniformed berserker of an established army charging into battle (though both will still share about the same tactics). They are capable into going into frenzies of range that last for minutes on end. They usually wield great-axes or any type of heavy two-handed broad-bladed weapon. Most berserkers have a innate connection to nature, which shows in their usually proficient survival skills and numerous tribal tattoos emblazoned on their usually bare skin. They can seem gruff, barbaric and dumb to the initial stranger, but as one spends more time with them they would notice the berserker's intimate relation with and knowledge of the world around them. They are not as unintelligent as they seem. They are also the reason why the Glamhoth have stayed relatively unconquered for centuries. Berserkers gain more speed in their frenzies as they progress throughout their career, so they eschew armor at the beginning. However, the more powerful berserkers can still maintain a steady speed encumbered with armor. A berserker in plate is definitely not something to ignore on the battlefield. > >Two positive and two negative > > *Woodland Ranger*- Skilled with a bow and with tracking, a Woodland Ranger is a valuable addition to any squad. A Ranger has spent most of his life in the forest, hunting down animals for their food and their fur only to venture outside the woods when in need. As they have their own view on life and death, they often come across as cold and calculating by their peers. But more often than not a result of their views, more so because they have not had much social interaction during their life. > > -Two positive and three negative > >Battlement Ranger (Credit to Rultaos)- An expert of ranged combat, similar to the Woodland Ranger. However, instead of boasting a knowledge of survival and the wilds, these Rangers boast a knowledge of warfare and weaponry. They are capable of using a variety of weapons ranging from Bows and Crossbows, to gigantic Ballistas and Trebuchets. Before the Dead God's arrival, these guardians were usually seen on the walls and battlements of fortresses, and contribute to their army by raining death upon all who march against them. If on the attack, they will be seen at the back of their ranks and standing atop elevated terrain, defending their allies with a storm of projectiles. Though different from Woodland Rangers, they share the trait of a calculative mind. But unlike them, the Battlement Rangers have had more sociable lives and can easily work with others, and thus they are masterful tacticians. They take advantage of their elevated positions to see the full picture of an unfolding battle, compare it with their knowledge of both their allies and enemies, and adjust their strategy as the situation changes. However, this means that they only shine when they are behind their allied ranks and working closely with other. Though they are capable of holding their own in close combat using short swords and daggers, they are very out of place on the frontlines. While not necessarily the leader role of a squad, the inclusion of one in a group will often mean that the abilities of each member will be utilized to their maximum potential when on the field. > >Two positives and two negatives > > *Bard*- A bard is a man who has a story to tell, even if you don't want to hear it. He sings and dances and playing music comes as natural to him as drinking is to a dwarf. He'll spin you tales of histories great hero's, bringing strength to weak soldiers and hope when there is none. He'll also tell tales of many hero's from our time, making a normal man appear to be sent by the gods. A Bard also listens to what everyone says, and as a result he knows more secrets than you might suspect. With a drink in hand he'll come in, and he will learn all that you have to tell. But when it comes to combat he is often lacking, but that does not mean they are defenseless. Often sporting a simple short-sword, they have long learned that they can't rely on their tales to save them, and some can defend themselves from a lone highway man or two. But a skilled warrior will break their resolve. > > -Three positive and one negative > > *Mage*- Commander of the elements, bringer of fire and ice and more. A mage is a person gifted with innate magical ability. They can shoot fireballs from their hands or freeze a charging mans feet to the ground. What they lack in armour and weapons they make up for it in their ability to turn a fight with just one spell. The dangers that a mage posses to others is very well known, and as such many mages are often looked down upon by those who are afraid. Templars and most foot soldiers always glance at them with a curious, if mistrustful look. Templars and mages have often quarrelled in the days since the darkness first spread. With both sides blaming each other for the dead gods arrival. But magic takes practice, and mages are often some of the most intelligent forces on the ground. A keen ally, and a powerful foe. > > -One positive and three negative traits. > **Whatever you want!** > > You can make a custom version of the ones I listed. Be it a Dwarf Pike-men, a Battle Mage, or whatever. You just need to PM me something like I provided above, giving detail on what they are and what they do. And as long as I approve it, I will add it to this area. Be creative! Want to be a bandit? A rouge Templar? Any class you want you can create, you can create. Rules! > > 1. No godmoding > > 2. You can die, you must try not to. > > 3. No arguing in thread. > > 4. No over the top romances, if it begin to get a lil' steamy take it to the room known as PM..