Marren eyed the Kantilian guards and suppressed the feeling of nervousness that rose up in his chest. He tightened his grip on in “prisoner's” bound hands and let out a deep breath, turning to focus his attention on the gates up ahead. It wasnt much better than the guards if he had to be honest. The castle, sitting at the heart of Kantle Island, was ringed by a thick wall that rose far above their heads with towers taller still. Above even that though, sitting atop what must have been a hill (for nothing that tall could be built by the hands of men), was Kantle Citadel. The Black Iron Keep as it was known in Rose lived up to its reputation at least by look; dark and foreboding it covered the land it its shadow and, though it must have been just in his head, it seemed to emanate a sense of dread with each step he took nearer. A sudden movement broke his attention away from the citadel and onto his prisoner who decided to struggle in his hold. The moment he regained awareness around himself he saw the squad of soldiers heading their way, down the winding ramp that lead to the citadel. “Stop it!” He muttered through gritted teeth at Zoran, forgetting momentarily she couldn't understand him. Ahead the soldiers were still coming and her struggling was sure to draw attention so he took a drastic step and pulled her to him, chest to back, then wrapped his arms around her waist and hefted her on his shoulder. It was a relatively easy enough task considering how light she weighed. The patrol came within inches of them, Marren on one side of the ramp and the soldiers on the other. The lead gave him a quick glance and he managed a snarl and a slight grunt. It seemed enough to turn his attention. As they approached the gatehouse Marren set Zoran on her feet and grabbed her bound hands once more, more forcefully than he might have intended to. “That was stupid and foolish!” He muttered again to her, heart only now starting to beat evenly.