Name: Maro Heman Age: 27 Gender: Male Race: Firen Appearance: Brown, short hair clumsily hangs over a long, cold face. Bright amber eyes, set within their sockets are no stranger to the harshness they have seen. He stands at 5'11. weighing nearly 175lbs. He wears plain clothes when the chance arrives, but that is seldom. A goatee gorgeously compliments his eyes and mouth. giving him a charming look that can deceive many. Personality: Maro has always been an Intuitive man and may rely on others to make decisions. He is also self-confident and May judge things too quickly, before getting to know what or who it is. Maro can also be charming and energetic when he wants to be, but lately, he's been repressing his emotions but always optimistic about the future. Character type and traits: Templar Knight. Positive: Optimistic. Negative: Arrogant, Aggressive, and Self-Centered History: Maro Heman was born a Firen in the town of Del'Fe, a small place under the protection of Feer La Den, to a prominent merchant family. His father was a bartering man, who traded in anything he could get his hands on, once bartering a bag of spice, all the way up to a fine horse and Maro would have been one to, if it were not for his other desires. These desires became a fixation that would cause him to become a templar, under the great Knights of the Light, and where everyone said he couldn't do it, wouldn't make it, he proved them wrong. His father grew furious at the thought of his eldest son not following in his footsteps, it was his duty to continue the lineage of Heman Merchants, but Maro knew it was not for him, not his future to follow. He left his town at the age of 24, finally going to fulfill his dream after years of being told no, he gave up on his father's blessing and left one summers morning. His journey began that fateful morning, having only took the essentials for the road and an iron sword his father taught him to wield as if it were an extension of himself. The journey was without problem and he arrived at Feer La Den, not two days later. He fell upon the doorsteps of the temple and knocked. That was three years ago, and Maro is now a fully fledged Templar Knight, but with little real world experience, until the army of darkness came. The assault was relentless, blow after blow fell the great city. He wanted to fight, he wanted to die for his cause, but his task was not one of dying. No, he was on protection detail for high ranking nobles who were fleeing. "Let's go people! Only take what you need to survive, nothing else!" Maro shouted as looked up and down street Cassius, a wealthy part of Feer La Den. Some of the more prominent families lived there, and were trying to take as much valuables as they could, something that made Maro angry. He came upon a family, putting everything that they seemed to own in a cart, and he snapped. "We don't have time for this! You have no horses, and this cart would slow everyone down! Do you not understand that people are dying so that you may flee, yet this is how you repay that sacrifice? By cramming all your valuables into a cart!" Maro took out his sword and pointed it at the father, "You sir need to move, before you are left behind, for no one here will stay and help you now." In the distance, shouts were made, and it was time to leave. Maro sheathed his sword and started to walk away when the father grabbed onto his cart and tried to pull in vain. "Fool, you'll get your family killed for items that may seem valuable, but they are worth less then life itself." He never did see that family again. They rest of the survivors got out, only to see a city in flames and he grew even more upset, cursing the creatures who had done this, yet he knew he could do nothing and left with the others to the Great Divide. Most of the Templar knights left with the families over the bridge where they went to the last bastion across the sky bridge. He would stay behind and cover their escape for now, but he knew he had to move, or he would be the next to die. Equipment: Templar Knight armor Shield of the Templars Sword of the Templars A backpack of food and water skins An elegant black cape A family pendent in the shape of the moon. Other: He likes fresh apple pie