**Name:** Jeremy Mills **Gender:** Male **Age:** 18 **Appearance:** [2nd in line](http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01455/cyprus-soldiers_1455453c.jpg) Smaller than most at 5'6", Jeremy does not appear to be a very strong person. Despite this, he passed the physical fitness tests by a fair margin, thin frame belying his fit body. Having a rather soft, round face, most would not think him a soldier, no marks of war or depression visible upon his features though this may simply be to how new he is. His dark brown hair is kept military regulation length and remains clean faced, taking time every day to shave. Although he takes impeccable care of his personal body, his uniform is not the same matter. It is often rumpled and dirty with pieces missing or misplaced. Brown eyes overlook a nose slightly bent from being broken several times. **Rank:** Private **Role:** Anti-tank **Weapon and Ammunition:** Sterling L2A3 SMG | 3 x 30 round 9mm magazines M20 Super Bazooka | 4 x 88.9mm rockets 2 x Mills Bomb Webley Mk. IV | 3 x 3 **Brief Background:** Born in Stratford-upon-Avon at the onset of the Second World War, Jeremy missed much of the horrors which accompanied the conflict, remaining ignorant except for war propaganda and the occasional soldier passing through the city. Remembering nothing from this period in his life he was nevertheless shocked by the destruction which Europe had suffered upon reaching an age sufficient to understand such matters. His parents earned enough money to get by well enough. Jeremy didn't live in comfort but neither was he in destitution. Because of the war his education did not begin until he was seven years old. During this time Jeremy lagged behind others of his age, not having learned the skills they had to compete in an academic environment. Despite his generally poor academics, Jeremy was an avid mechanic, working with his father in the family shop on vehicles brought in for repairs. In this way, despite not learning academics he learned an immediately applicable skill at an early age. At 15 years old his parents divorced, father leaving with some other woman to travel to America and live there. Heartbroken and without a viable means of income, his mother sank into alcoholism and depression. Forced to drop out of school and work as a mechanic, Jeremy became responsible for managing the family business and many other tasks that would normally have been run by his father. At first it was rough going for him, not having learned any business skills and losing business because of his age. With time came experience however and by 17 he was effectively running the business which his father had left him. Shrewd in business, pleasant in company, Jeremy was immediately liked by those who knew him, respected by his rivals. As he had not finished his schooling, however, conflict eventually found him. Several boys whom he had gone to school with had heard of his success and came to the shop looking to get some money. Two of them, one armed with a baseball bat, attempted to hold him up while two others worked at cracking open the case in which the money was stored. Grabbing a nearby wrench Jeremy caught the boy with the baseball by surprise, knocking him unconscious with a solid blow to the head. The other attempted to escape but was similarly stunned. By this time the two at the safe had turned their attentions to him, assuming fighting poses. It was a minute or two of testing, all three wary of attacking until eventually one charged him. Knocking him on the head as he passed by, he turned to be tackled. After a brief scuffle Jeremy managed to bring the wrench to bear and smack the attacker upon the head. Upon looking over at the third boy he had knocked out Jeremy was horrified to find that he had split the boy's head open, blood pooling over the floor. Applying a nearby oil rag to the wound he hastily called the police, securing medical treatment in time to save the boy. Although charges were pressed against him none ever came to fruition. What worried him was the threats which the group had leveled. Fearing for his life, he drafted into the Royal Marines upon turning 18, leaving his mother with a close friend of the family. Despite his skills as a mechanic he was trained as an anti-tank soldier, destroying the machines which he has come to appreciate. **Equipment:** -Canteen/rations -Map & compass -Trench knife -British fatigues (khaki)