((EDIT: Apparently "I'll edit this later," translates to, "Screw it, I'm making/using a completely different character." I'm sorry about that. I feel sorta bad for taking this down so instead I'll have my WIP up here. It's really not much, especially with all my work, but yeah... Still working on it. Don't worry, the point-form is just notes for when I write out the proper descriptions. :3 Also, I've decided to not put his personality in the bio, because a) It'd become too long, and b) It'd be fun to play with expectations. So all you get are little hints here and there. WIP: [b]Name:[/b] Miguel Castelo [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance[/b]: *Picture undergoing digital re-drawing process* Miguel is best described as someone whom has seemingly stopped caring about anything altogether, and his appearance certainly reflects this. He lacks the strong, athletic build of most meisters, instead being - Unkept - Tall - Big feet - Small ears - Large Hooked Nose - Messy long hair - Tannish skin - Torn, frayed and stained clothes - Near constant expression of boredom or disdain - Bushy eyebrows - Tends to take heavy steps - Hunches a little - Keeps one or both hands in his pocket - Generally ratty appearance [b](His Not So) Short Bio: [/b] Miguel doesn't like the school. He hasn't attended yet, but he already doesn't like it. Given that he's there, according to his parents, to [i]do something useful for once,[/i] and [i]continue the family business,[/i] he's convinced that it can't be any good. ...Okay, let's back things up a bit. Though one would think otherwise when faced with Miguel's appearance, the Castelos are a relatively wealthy family in Portugal. Consisting almost entirely of a long line of meisters, they are well known as a family run group of Kishin egg and witch hunters, as well as a small group of private instructors of both weapons and meisters alike. All Castelos are trained by their parents and older siblings at a young age, in order to master their control of weapons and their soul wavelength, and continue the family business. Most learn quickly. Miguel is not part of that 'most'. A combination of being both physically and mentally unfit for being a meister led way to self insecurities, and with it, his path to becoming a shut in, and a negative attitude towards training. It's not that his parents were ineffective teachers. Contrarily, they were very patient, kind, and reasonable, but stern when need be. It just so happens to be that Miguel is a lousy student. Having no interest in the idea of putting effort into something he both was bad at and couldn't care less about, Miguel simply never tried. As a result, his years of training didn't do anything for him other can increase his frustration and his family's disappointment. Eventually, try as they might to prevent this, they had come to the conclusion that there was no hope for Miguel, and that he'd simply be one of the few, shameful members of the Castelos, whom wasted their potential away. Then they remembered the DWMA. At first, his parents weren't at all fond of the idea of their son living alone with a bunch on strangers...On the other side of the world, at that. It was simply out of the question. However, they began to think. Perhaps Miguel wasn't learning because they had been too soft on him. Maybe being around other boys his age would help. If anything, a large school setting famous for being the learning grounds of several great meisters had to be a plus. Besides, if it was apparent that he wouldn't learn here, they might as well take the chance. They concluded that if he didn't learn there, then he'd never learn at all. As a final attempt to remedy their son's misbehavior, they sent him down to Death City, Nevada, in order to attend the DWMA. Needless to say, Miguel is slightly regretting his life choices. [b]Personal Effects: [/b] There's not much that Miguel keeps with him, and for a very simple reason. Said reason can be explained with this pseudo mathematical equation, created by Miguel himself: Energy - Lugging my own weight around = Maybe. Perhaps. If I have to. Energy - (Lugging my own weight around + The weight of my random junk) = [u][b][i]No.[/i][/b][/u] However, there's two things that Miguel cannot afford to stay away from. The young meister claims they're his very oxygen; without it, he'd die. The magical objects we so speak of is none other than his laptop and his video camera. Though the backpack he carries them in is as ratty as the rest of his possessions, the laptop and camera are kept in a surprisingly decent state. Dare we even say, in excellent shape. When not in class (which is probably a lot more often than acceptable), he can usually be found surfing on the web, playing a video game (most likely with illegally downloaded ROMs and emulators), or editing some sort of video together. Finding him shoot something with the camera is a lot more uncommon, since not only is shooting a scene outside of his room a rare occurrence. Nonetheless, he keeps the camera with him, just in case an opportunity ever presents itself. [b]Weapon: N/A [/b] )) ))