> "Charlie, pleasure to meet you Tomlin." She nodded her head and flashed a smile at him before adjusting the strap of her bag. "Now, I suggest we get a move on it quick. The more time we waste, the more lives at stake." She nodded to Danielle, Tomlin and Miyka, gesturing them to follow her to the truck. "I'll follow you, so lead the way." Charlie spoke to the rest of the group as she exited the building, heading towards the truck. Wayne had started the truck as Charlie and Serena started-up theirs, hesitating long enough to ensure everyone was aboard as he heard shots and saw a swarm amongst what was probably what was left of one of the people he'd just met a few minutes ago; it was impossible to tell by this point, only a headcount at their destination would reveal the person's identity as Danielle. He heard the people getting restless of the wait, if he didn't go now then the whole band would be lost. Mr. Anderson shifted the truck into gear and it lurched forwards and through a small mob gathering down the driveway; the easiest way up to the stop. Wayne heard a loud * **WHUMP** * as his truck made contact with the walking bags of rot, but he couldn't afford to stop and see if they'd taken any damage... he couldn't even slow down.