I'm going to ramble for a moment. That character may seem overpowered, but when the mechanics of the powers are explained, the limit of the use of his individual abilities becomes quite reasonable. For the purpose of ease, lets suggest that he has a base pool of 10 Glamour. Each skill requires a different amount of Glamour. Transformation into his animal form requires 0 Glamour. Level 1 cantrips require an expense of 1 Glamour. Level 2 requires 2 and so on. Each Art (Primal, Metamorphosis, and Autumn Way) has 5 skill levels. As an example, lets say Mordecai has infiltrated a Vampiric Coven. To do so, he used Hidden Form. That costs 1 point. He now has 9. He encounters a group of vampires that sense his footsteps. He changes into his animal form, costing 0 points. He still has 9. However, he uses Go Ask Alice and Oakenshield to gain the advantage over the foes. Each costs 3 points. He now has a pool of 3 points. He can no longer use any level 4 or 5 abilities, limiting what he is capable of doing. When his base pool reaches 0, Mordecai can use no skills other than his ability to transform and Insufflation (it uses 0 points). In order to "recharge", Mordecai must sleep and enter the Dream World, where he can enter the dreams of others and collect more Glamour. As he grows and becomes stronger, his pool will increase. I am a fair player and won't cheat my own rules. I think that is fair and creates balance.