Isacc decided he may aswell start introducing himself to everyone else so in a calm soothing voice he began to tell Jacob and the others nearby who he was. "Well I may aswell introduce myself now My name is Isacc I'm a noble from Valm on a quest to attempt to end this craziness I came here in hopes that I could meet like minded people.So I'll join you on your quest besides it's an opportunity to meet many interesting people." After that Isacc began to walk around introducing himself to everyone else being as polite as he could he then walked towards the dark mage a little uncertain of what to think of her he found the others seemed well enough but something about her seemed off to him it's probably his imagination though. He did think she was rather cute though but then again looks and be deceiving. "Hello there your name is Marianne correct?" After saying that Isacc extended his hand and said. "I'm Isacc a noble from Valm I hope we can get along well"