Okita Reimeiroku. ![](http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lidjh3Fwvs1qh8dtio1_500.jpg "enter image title here") Unmatched in all of Kantle with a longbow, superbly skilled with his sword, he was a soldier of Kantle. Without large sums of money, or bloodlines, there were whispers of him becoming a Knight due to his great skill. Married to a beautiful young woman, a baby on the way, Okita was blessed by the Gods! It all would end. His small village near the capital was targeted by a dissident group of rebels. Deep in the night he heard the call to arms and quickly went to fulfill his duty. The battle which ensued can not be recalled to this day by Okita. Thinking back to that night brings only the image of his wife burning as she ran out of there house engulfed in flames. Of the axe that sliced her abdomen open, the pain in her eyes, the unborn baby falling from the freshly ripped flesh. The only thing to end the vision is the blinding, searing pain that comes next that he would later learn to be the memory of his left arm being sliced off. That is the story of Okita the Beautiful, Okita the Skilled, Okita the Blessed. Age- 27