Name: Zoran-Theia Age: 26 Nationality: Kantle Bio: Zoran-Theia has lived a life which has hardened her against the world. Betrayed by everyone and loved by no one. Life has torn her apart and forced her to fight for anything she has ever had. She has learned to put her full trust in no one, but herself. Yet despite her cynical appearance and demeanor, within her lives a lost soul and a broken mind. Credit of her misery is owed to many things: a cold and abusive father, a sickly mother, the psychotic woman who raised her, all those she once tried to love who betrayed her, and the years spent in solitude. It has all left her fragile mind a wreck. She was born and raised in Kantle, and forced by her father to train in the art of combat until she could escape his clutches. Now she lives deep within the darkest parts of the forests of Eve. She keeps the company of a pack of black wild-dogs she brought along with her from Kantle, and one great winged wolf, Tarek. At times she travels into the villages on the outskirts of Eve, to sell medicinal potions and remedies. It would be difficult to describe her in one word, or even many. Her moods tend to vary and change wildly. She is Yin and she is Yang. Neither all bad nor all good, she is a mix of many things. Because of this her opinions may never be consistent, even her personality seems to differ depending upon the situation she is put into. Though she is a loner, she does not avoid others completely, only she never trusts them completely...not anymore. In time she will decide to venture into the dangers of No Man's Land, to find the Magic of the Ancients, driven by her secret desire for revenge. Zoran-Theia is a very multi-sided personality and difficult to sum up, so I guess we'll find out the rest along the way. Appearance ![Appearance]( "enter image title here") Companion: ![Companion]( "enter image title here")