Name: Malcer Greystorm Age: 42 Gender: Male Race: Firen Appearance: Malcer doesn't deviate much from the ordinary look. His cheeks are bony but not sharp. He has a tan skin complexion dirtied with experience and age. He looks like he needs a shave. He also has greasy long brown hair and eyes. His hands are broad, meaty and wrought with age. He stands at about 6'4 - a giant - and weighs about 250 lb. Personality: Malcer is actually more of the tactician than the front liner. His bulk betrays little of his intellect. He can have intelligent conversations about current events, is an excellent chess player and plays the pan flute very well. He values his comrades a lot and will never leave a friend behind. However, as the years go by Malcer on the contrary grows in hardheadedness. If he feels a certain tactic is not working, he does what he looks like seems fit. This on occasion has nearly cost him his rank. He also has a weakness for hard drink. Character type and traits: Berserker Positive Traits: Intelligent, Loyal Negative Traits: Stubborn, Drunkard History: Malcer was born the eldest of five to a blacksmith in a small rural farming village in Firen. He was the tallest and strongest of the village boys around, and thus was always called on for the bulky jobs. However, he was also one of the more intelligent villagers. He bartered so well that he earned the nickname 'The Iavas Boy' among the townsfolk. He was one of the few in the village that could read or write and was always present in dealings with other villages. But most of the time in the village, they needed solid, steady arms and not much else. As he hewed lumber or pulled carts, Malcer felt there had to be something more to this. He wanted to put his abilities to better use than menial labor and occasional bartering. Malcer's chance came when a large band of bandits (lel) invaded the village on the eve of Malcer's 'manhood' party: eighteen years of age. They silenced all the fast runners and the messengers so news was never able to come to the capital. Malcer was strong and smart, so the bandits obviously tried to put a quick end to him as well. But when five of them attempted to slit his throat in bed, they discovered too late Malcer was a light sleeper. He mauled all of his attackers to death, and still in his frenzy rushed out the door, fought his way to the lead bandit and killed him - with his bare hands. The townsfolk made him a village hero and was offered the position of mayor. Malcer politely refused, saying he planned to put his abilities to a much greater use. With a sizable chunk of steel, Malcer for five days worked in his father's forge. He planned to make himself a knight's longsword, a symbol of courage and honor. He got the proportions quite out of shape, seeing as he had rarely seen a sword before and was used to forging farm tools. The sword could only be lifted by Malcer and the other strong men in the village, and even then it required two hands. Happy with his creation anyway, Malcer named his sword Nara, after his then childhood sweetheart. He went abroad and joined the army. He spent more than thirty years in service and was promoted to lieutenant. He would have gotten captain, but his hardheadedness prevented him from some potential promotions. Malcer was at his village and on leave when the invasions started. Malcer's village wasn't of great significance to the hordes, but it was still largely into the west and a company of about two hundred were sent to rout them. None escaped from the village save Malcer himself. He never forgave himself for it, and still has survivor's guilt to this day. With the loss of Malcer's platoon captain and half his regiment in the later onslaughts against Talamor, Malcer was promoted to captain and was given authority to command a company of fifty or so conscripts. Malcer was one of the captains to volunteer their company to defend the Sky Bridge. His men showed no opposition to their superior's command: many of them had lost their families to the horde, and, like their captain, were out for revenge. Equipment: - His greatsword, Nara - Long dagger - Backpack with supplies to survive in the wild for five days - Studded leather armor - Visored helmet Other: Assuming that a Firenian company is made up of a hundred conscripts btw.