"You're both bloody fools." Lindria muttered, first in Kanitalian and again in Rosilian. Shaking her head all the while. Zoran-Thiea's eyes were ablaze as the man called Marr sat her back upon her feet in front of himself. Her heart pounded against her chest in anger—and memories—but she was forced to accept the fact that she had brought this upon herself. Perhaps that was the worst part. Her hand reflexively reached up to feel of her own soft cheek, which was still sore from the back of her father's hand. She hardly noticed Marr's tightened grip on her restraints. There was some horrid memory all the men in her life had ever left...when she ever got out of control, they were quite simply able to physically overpower her. She sighed. All the mixed emotions running through her mind were probably showing clearly on her face. They usually did. She hated that aspect of herself. The way Lindria looked at her now, proved it to be true. She was the only one out of the group who knew the story behind that strange look on her face. Without another word, the blonde woman moved a bit closer and took one of Zoran-Thiea's bound hands into her on. "Let's keep moving." Lindria spoke up to their Rosilian companion. Then she turned to Okita who had come and gone from their group. "Try to stay close now." She said kindly. At that, the two women looked up ahead at the frightening structure which seemed as though it would consume them all. * * * They had made it within the gates, luckily, thanks to Okita. The dungeons below the castle were dank, wet and dark. The smell of death was heavy upon the stale air, and howling calls could be heard echoing from pitch black halls. It was the sort of place which gave you a feeling of being very uncertain whether the calls were the cries of forgotten prisoners or those of lost souls now haunting these tombs. They planned to enter from here, and work their way upwards, but first they needed a few more disguises. Thankfully aside from the persistent weeping of prisoners, the dungeons were very "quiet" otherwise. Two guards were positioned in front of the entrance to and from the interior staircase leading into the castle. Other than that, the dungeon was free from guards or patrols. It was actually a bit interesting to note, that the castle put more concern into keeping armed patrols walking the streets than they did to guard their prisoners. At any rate, their small group was able to slip off into a room, which would normally be used as a station for the guards; were there any more than a couple standing in position. Once there, they found a few cloaks marked with the crest of Kantle. Zoran-Theia nodded to Marr and held up her bound wrists, waiting for her release. "What exactly will we be looking for?" Lindria asked Marr, after looking around carefully. "Or at least, where should we bring searching?"