Relationships can honestly be messy business. It's never something you want to be eager to run into, because when you are you're just asking for a soap-opera drama break down to happen. A healthy relationship needs to be one where people are naturally happy with one another, not one where going out, being together etc is forced. If you do that your days are honestly numbered, hell you're best indicator of that you're ready for a relationship is when you don't feel the need/urge to be in one. Because then you're in it out of rational, calm and consistent desire, rather than a need of the moment to be loved, laid, *Insert need/desire here*. I get a bit more cold/blunt below under the line. So stop here if you just wanted encouraging "You can do it!" or "It's not your time!" sort of advice. ******************************** Now I'll disclaim, what I'm going to say comes with some bias of having been stung bad in past relationships. But it's bias I've had several years to calm down and separate myself from, so I'm trusting at this point I was able to reflect from a calm and logical perspective. If you look at the direction relationships are going in general, it's not pretty. Divorce rates are on the rise, marriages start later, and people are far more likely to leave a relationship than work through problems now. Now, this honestly is not a bad thing in my mind. It's honestly a key indicator that people are learning to stick up more for themselves. But it also shows a clear trend of less and less people wanting to enter dedicated and/or monogamous relationships. More and more people are leaving the idea's of a 1x1 romantic relationship aside, may it be simply not wanting to be tied to one person, or simply through experience having not found happiness from it. And considering the idea of monogamous relationships (at least for humans), marriage etc was actually not something we evolved to be like naturally but was rather something enforced by religious pressure in ancient history? It was always something that went against the way humans naturally are, which if you look at it should have always been obvious with the amount of spouse issues, cheating that happens, and how ingrained/intimidated/enforced etc people had to be raised to think "Just listen to them" or "You're with em for life, deal with it". Where what we're seeing now, if you ask me is honestly humanity just snapping out of this practice, one that never suited people well to begin with. So, what was the point of that? Relationships are broken, stupid and pointless? No, there are definitely cases where people have been happy. But they are a shrinking minority (or more awareness to the bad ones are coming up). But the whole idea of "Find one boy/girl, see them exclusively, have a life with just them" is shrinking because it just doesn't work for so many people. Now I'm not saying "Get out there and sleep with everyone", I'm honestly not even trying to say anything in particular. I'm just leaving some food for thought. I figured with all the people going with the "Wait till later" and "You're find your person some day" advice, that it might have been helpful to see a slight change of pace/perspective. I could be wrong, dead wrong. And even if I get some people going defensive and replying to me simply going "OMG Gwazi! How could you insult marriage! It is a loving bond! etc.", I might also get some people who can rationally and logically point what the stuff I said above to be completely wrong. So yea, food for thought. If you're that concerned about getting into a relationship, maybe you might be best served sitting back, thinking about why you want one, if it's worth it, can you get what you want another way etc? If in the end you decide you still want be in a relationship (I'll be honest, despite what I argued I'd still be up for a relationship as well if it ever came up) then that's great, that's your choice. But at least you looked outside the box, and considered it from another light, and had time to reflect and make that decision for yourself. Rather than simply getting into a relationship because everyone else is. ***************************** > Getting a weekend job or something to put money in your pocket during high school is probably a better move than trying to find someone to date. That way, when you do land some dates, you have some money in your pocket. That helps you do what you want. Eh. Sure it helps for relationships, but honestly if you're in a relationship where your partner is expecting you to foot the majority of the bills (May you be male or female) then it's honestly less of a partnership and more of a "You! Wallet! Buy me this!".