Name: Nele Chandra Gender:Female Age: 13 Derse or Prospit?:Prospit Fetch Modus: Lunar Calendar (the likelyhood that an item will be retrieved is directly relate to the phase that earth's moon is (or would be should something happen to it). An Item will get a retrieval rate of 100% if it is retrieved during the same moon phase as when it was captalogued. However, the rate will begin to decrease until the moon phase is the direct opposite of the starting phase, when retrieval rate will drop to 0%; and then the rate will begin to rise again until it returns to the starting moon phase once more.) The fetch modus becomes bugged when physically on Prospit or Derse however, leading to automatic 100% retrieval rate Strife Specibus: Polekind Weapon: Big sharpened stick with stuff at the end to cause infections Sprite: Pre-Entry: Wildflower-Sprite (1st prototype), Grass Snake-Sprite (2nd prototype, a serpentine sprite with plant traits) Server Player: tbd Client Player: tbd Title: Thief of Time Medium: Land of Temples and Eclipses Denizen: Hemera Description/Picture: Nele is a small girl, very slender and nimble, and rather short as well, her other session mates easily towering over her in height. Her hair is a light blonde and left to grow long. She has a pair of oval shaped glasses with a silver rim and hazel colored eyes. She also has a white long coat that is much too big for her, but that she likes to wear anyways. Her emblem, a purple Eighth note, is found both on her shirt and on the breast pocket of her jacket.