Darthalia had used her crossbow to pick off a few bandits, but stayed hidden most of the fight. She was rubbish with large groups in combat, so thought it best to not get in the way of the trigger happy elf that leaped from the trees and the crazed armored pyro. It was quite quick and the fight was over. She was relieved and walked out to retrieve her arrows, she couldn't afford more and wasn't in the mood to make any. She listened to the man as she walked around and tugged the arrows out of the still warm corpses. Most would fine this rude but she really had no clue. She payed more attention when she heard the Paladin's and whimpered softly, before the cloaked man swiftly dealt with them. After that he talked a little more before they all grabbed their gold. She did and quickly stuffed it into her little leather bag before being approached by the other elf she saw. He asked her to hold onto the items and she nodded, placing them into her bag and glanced to the map "Well....I umm really only know about the Black Forest...but it doesn't seem to be on here, but I think we can go though there and get to the Elven forest without running into too many bandits, there we can take the road to the fortress, or we could take the main road, its marked here, and is a direct route, but I think we have more chance of being ambushed on the main roads. The bandits don't go very deep into the Black Forest, and they get lost in the Elven Forest, of course there is the chance of getting lost in the black forest ourselves, but with me its minimum chance...of course t-the group can decide..." She rambled on a bit then trailed off as she looked to the crystal statues and wanted to touch them bad, or at least chip some off and collect it, what an amazing paralyzing potion they would make. She thought better of it, but made a note to come back here some time after the 'quest'. She then turned as a cloaked mage asked to see the map, he glanced for a second then looked away, she found that odd but he told them he had a....a something memory, guess it was helpful, he suggested something and she looked to him "If we take the direct route, we won't need scouts, we will see the danger as it slits our throats, if we take the sheltered forest route, scouting won't be very useful, by the time you turn around and try to shout there is danger, your internal organs will be external organs" She stared blankly, noticing his hair slowly changing colour, how odd she thought, she would have to question that later, it was quite peculiar, but maybe it had properties, good for a skin changing potion maybe, like invisibility. She had trailed off into potions and her eyes drifted off him slowly as to not stare.