0600 Hours The HMS Eagle, off the coast of Egypt Jeremy looked once again into the mirror, running his razor along his cheeks, removing any traces of stubble that remained there. His hair had already been trimmed, a short go-over with his small pair of scissors to make sure it was kept at regulation length. He wasn't one to let himself slip, looking like a homeless man conscripted into the Royal Marines. If one didn't look at his uniform that was. Standard khaki fatigues, they were rumpled, covered in stains, patches misplaced in some places. Quite a disgrace really but uniforms weren't an item he cared much for. At least it provided camouflage for where they were going. He thought back to how he had ended up here. He could have chosen a much safer job in the military. A mechanic, radio operator, crew man on a naval ship. Hell, he would have taken being a damned cook over this! Other members of the 40 Commando were scrambling around the ship, preparing to head off into Egypt all because of some imperialistic ambitions. Jeremy was patriotic enough but there were some things he disapproved of, opinions of others be damned. Glancing down at his watch, he realized it was 0555. "Shit, I'm going to be late!" Jeremy yelled. Rushing over to his bed, he threw the uniform on haphazardly, hurriedly securing it before grabbing his kit which had been packed the day before. Rushing through the ship, he saluted officers hastily before barging past them, heading for the cargo bay. Slamming into a bulkhead in his haste, he recovered quickly and opened the portal into the bay. Stepping through hurriedly he spotted Captain Mackenzie and another boy about Jeremy's age, Daniel Parson he thought. Dropping the kit next to a a few ammo crates, Jeremy walked quickly to where Andrew stood. "Captain, Private Jeremy Mills reporting for duty, sir!"