@InspectorGadget I really Like this character he is VERY unique there is a lot of effort here and he is just so fricken cool. But I simply Can't let you play him. For the same reason I can't let Synth play a Vampire. The way this Changeling is written he's not a Victim of the Fae. He is one. And it can be argued that yes The Lost (New World of Darkness Fae) are the unintentional Fae, They were clearly human to begin with and really will always be human unless they lose Clarity. but unfortunately while this character certainly is heading in the right direction I can't let you play him as is. He is clearly something that belongs in the dark. I'm not saying he isn't a good being. I'm saying he was never going to spend his whole life living blissfully unaware of events. See that is what is important to keep in mind and what I want all of the characters to have. All of the characters be they Hunter, Geists, Changelings or even arguably Mages. If life had taken a different course. They wouldn't have a clue about the monsters lurking in the Darkness. So lets talk because I want you to play a changeling and I want to keep as much of this Character intact as possible because he is SO DARN COOL. So lets take a look at what needs to be fixed because as I said in the opening post. This is new World of Darkness. Love me the old world of darkness ain’t hating on it or you or anything silly. It's just that I've tried mixing the two and they don't because the power level is so darn different and the Lore IS VERY different they are quite literally two different settings (Which btw with a few tweaks I'm okay with the majority of his stuff so don't think this is me crashing your party because of his abilities. I'm gonna do my best to let you keep as many as possible he really needs an overhaul in the back story section to be honest) You need a new Seeming, Which replaces order. Your options are Darkling, Ogre, Fairest, Elemental, Beast, or Wizened (You will be a Darkling if you want to go Mirror Skin) You need a new Kith which will depend on your Seeming if you want to go with a shape changer I suggest the Mirror Skin. Or if you are into the animal side i’d suggest a Beast (Seeming) Hunterheart (Kith) Changelings (In the new World of Darkness) are humans who have been kidnapped by the Fae and taken through the Hedge to Arcadia and have somehow returned, but their time in Arcadia has warped them. Which works out great for your characters story we just need to change the details a little. Typically a Fae will leave behind a Fetch to replace the child but in this case either A) they didn’t or B) they did and that is what your parents buried? you have some options I’ll leave that to you. Either way you still end up as a changeling, you still have time to develop your gifts and imagination and you can use your time in Arcadia however you want because time is totally subjective there so perhaps you spent 30 years there from your characters perspective but Only aged 4 years and when you returned only four years had actually passed. Giving you time to develop your characters mind beyond that of a normal 14 year old. And if I’m being honest I wouldn’t mind the character being a Strategist. Abilities. In the Lost Changelings have Contracts, basically they are agreements with the world that let you do all sorts of crazy crap. And the neat thing is because we are going a little freeform here. All you have to do is get your current abilities to fit in the Changeling the Lost scheme of contracts and I can suggest how you might do that too: These three are Contracts of Elements so if you simply were to get rid of the section on Primal and Change it to “Contracts of Elements” and list them below it I’m good with that. - Eldritch Prime - Oakenshield - Elder-Form This is a Contract of Smoke - Hidden Form These are Contracts of Mirror, However I’m going to say Go Ask Alice can’t control another’s size, Mordecai’s size Cool deal I’m good with that, someone else. Not so much. - Go Ask Alice - Impersonate Contract of Fang and Talon - Merlin’s Lesson - Mythical Transformation- If this gets abused I’ll be annoyed but I’m gonna let you keep it since you seem to have put a lot of effort in here Contracts of Dream - Zeitgeist - Dagda’s Boon Contract of Madness (These contracts don’t appear in the base book) - Reality’s Horror Manifestation and Insufflation are out. Manifestation because you need it less since you will be using the Hedge or Dream riding to travel if you plan to supernaturally and Insufflation because while you can shoot a Dragon being able to posses someone is a whole different ball of wax in conjunction with the other abilities listed here. Also, the Endowments Section you can get rid of since as an ex member of the Ashwood Abbey you wouldn’t have any. --- Some final thoughts. Your abilities I have the least problems with (I know it seems like a lot, but for the abilities section I literally just regrouped them cut two and modified one slightly) I would like to see you change his Biography to bring it more in line with the New World of Darkness. I really like the character and the idea of a 14 year old being a tactician, even though you say he isn’t but that could be a great reason for him to be recruited by Project: Tallow perhaps in exchange they offer to keep your family under careful watch? So as a passing thought might I suggest including Contracts of the Board? They are specifically tied to a board game but they can be applied to real life situation where strategy is involved. Just food for thought