Name: Albert "Al" Drake Age: 17 Appearance: Looks a lot like Julia, has auburn hair and green eyes. Ability: Tell you when I make my choice Personality: Al shares many qualities with Julia, which is not a surprise as he looks up to her. He is incredibly loyal and willing to stand up for what he believes in. He's a hard worker and very determined. He can be very kind and patient, but while he has more of both than Julia, even he has his limits. He can be a little rash and reckless, especially when he finally loses his temper, which only adds to Julia's worries about him. He understands she fears for him but also thinks she can be overbearing an overprotective. Bio: He is Julia Drake's younger brother. He grew up with Julia and had a similar happy childhood but was very much protected from the things that Julia felt she needed to protect him from. He can get sickly at times. Job: He currently goes to school Are they a villain, hero or neutral: Neutral for now ............................................................................................................................................................... Name: Kiara Sinclair Age: How old did we say they were again? Appearance: She has short black hair and purple-ish eyes Ability: She's a psychic, specifically dealing with psychic weaponry and dreams. She can get in people's heads through their dreams and find information or make them see their worst nightmares if she chooses. She can even just shut people down and put them to sleep. She has something called psionic defense, but it only activates in emergency, I'm-about-to-get-fatally-injured-or-die moments. Personality: She is cold and calculating. She doesn't like showing emotion and hates being weak. She loves independence and freedom and doesn't like relying on people or asking for help. She doesn't trust, especially because of her past, and struggles with making friends and forming close relationships. She is extremely brave and even if she will go to lengths past many people's boundaries, she tries to do the right thing and tries to help people. She sometimes feels like she is constantly having to prove herself and prove that she is not her father or her father's daughter. Bio: The edited version for this thread - She had a hard time of it growing up. Her mom died when she was a small child and her father betrayed her, leaving Kiara without family and basically working her way through life and living on the streets. Job: Will change when I fix age Are they a villain, hero or neutral: Hero