![enter image description here](http://i.imgur.com/CHXvJ76.png "enter image title here") **THE LITEVIAN COMMONWEALTH** **Classification:** Elective monarchy **Government:** Centre-right Traditionalists **Currency:** Litevian Letis **National Animal:** White stork **Motto:** "The integrity of a nation relies on unity." **Continent:** Europe (Entirety of the Baltic States and Poland) **Brief History:** Sandwiched in between Germany and Russia, the Litevian Republic has always stood in a precarious position in the volatile political intrigues and territorial disputes of central and eastern Europe. The Commonwealth is not inconsiderable in size however – its lands stretch from the Gulf of Finland to the shores of the Vistula, with Tallinn its northernmost city and Krakow the southernmost. Formed from a union of the Baltic States and the Poland following the Soviet Union's collapse, the Commonwealth has a unique system of governance; the elective monarchy. The ruling King of the Commonwealth is elected by a parliamentary body known as the Grand Council, which holds the real political power in the nation – in the past several kings have been dismissed from office by the Council which felt that their rule was proceeding counter to the best interests of the Commonwealth.