Welcome to the island! This island is home to a strange race of a dog or rabbit-like people who call themselves mimigas... the ones on the island are different from the ones on the surface... the ones on the surface, where the humans are from, are hulking, frenzied monstrisities who are waging war against the humans... the ones on the island, however, are short, and seem relatively peaceful. The last of the scout bots has been lost forever, with the other remaining scout confirmed to have been broken, due to water damage. The mimigas on the island aren't the only of their species, as, for some reason, whoever's behind all of this saw it fit to have one of his minions, whom goes by the name of 'Misery', an imp with blue hair and a green top and pants, change some of the human populace into more mimigas, which are quickly taken to the island by their her, or a minion who is stranger still, and doesn't seem to even be organic in nature, an animated bar of soap with white wings who refers to himself as 'Balrog'. The few humans that are transformed that escape this are usually killed by their own former allies from fear that they'd become more of those monsters that they're waging war against. Those on the island may suffer a similar fate, but seem to escape capture more often than they do on the surface, oddly enough. This island may look peaceful, but, everything on it wants your head on a silver platter... even the smallest, and cutest creatures on the island will attack you on sight. It is said that whatever is powering and controlling the mimiga on the surface lies on this island, and whoever, or whatever it is must be taken down, as soon as possible. That being said, none of the mimigas seem to be quick to cooperate with humans, hiding whatever secrets this island might hold from outsiders who might need it. One can only hope that someone, somewhere, can end this madness. ###Rules: 1. No godmodding, powergaming, etc etc. You all should know this, right? 1. Be polite in the OOC. Your character can be as rude as they want in the RP. 3. Only trusted individuals can control main characters (Misery, Balrog, The Doctor, King) 4. Please delete the () sections in your app. 6. Put the missing number in the Other section of your app. 6. Put the two numbers that were repeated in the Other section of your app next to the missing number. 7. Start out in the starting areas. Anywhere else will get you a strike, 3 strikes and your character will be removed from the RP, and you can make a new one. 3 more strikes, and you're banned. Continued in the next post.