[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/nyIp37L.png[/img] [h1][b]Welcome![/b][/h1] Whoever you may be, there's no reason for you to turn back now. It was more like there were no way for you to turn away and leave. Strange thing that you can't remember as to HOW you got here in the first place, regardless of what you were doing before, and the fact that there were many others that weren't exactly "normal" where you came from didn't seem to make this better. [img]http://www.xwallpaperz.com/thumbnails/thumb-85302-bedroom-furniture-bedroom-interior-design.jpg[/img] Waking up, you find yourself and some others in a modest hotel room. You couldn't try to open the windows and the door of the room, stuck there until someone else from the outside will release you and said others from the room. However, a thing of interest could be seen on a table, there were enough tablets for everyone in the room, and there was a message for them to see. [i]Hello. Please wait patiently until I am to send aid to help you out of your respective hotel rooms. We will begin the "Murder Game" shortly[/i] [i]-The Watcher[/i] The sound of a "Murder Game" did not sound pleasant... or promising at all. In fact... none of these poor participants know what this will mean until someone drops dead first.[/center] ---- [h2][b]How to Play[/b][/h2] The goal of the game is simple. If you're one of the three traitors (or four if we get tons of people), kill off everyone else! If you're not a traitor, then you have to eliminate all of the traitors! Simple? Yes! Traitors - There will be three (or four) traitors. Each round, they will discuss in PM on who would be killed, and this will be one character to be the victim only (or duo). Like everyone else, they can vote once on who to execute. Traitors are not allowed to expose their roles either. If a traitor is executed, they cannot come back into the game from the afterlife until the last round. Everyone else - If you aren't a traitor, you are not allowed to kill anyone else, but can vote once on who to execute on the suspicions of a traitor. If killed, that victim will receive a notification of it via PM, and maybe some details on their death that everyone else does not know. Returning to the game from the afterlife is possible. Structure of the Game: - Round BEGINS - Interaction Among Characters - Traitors Commit A Murder - Interaction/Investigate Scene - Voting Session - Round ENDS w/ Execution of Character will most votes - Rinse and Repeat until all Traitors are executed or all Survivors are dead. ------ [h2][b]Rules[/b][/h2] 1. You may only apply as characters from an existing canon, and the maximum amount of characters you can have is three. I will accept only *5* OCs total. First come first serve. 2. Your characters will still have their abilities and powers. In order to be fair, these powers will be heavily nerfed. This is to ensure that there is no heavy god-modding being thrown around. 3. Not really a rule, but be sure to interact a lot! Being a lone wolf is not only boring in this kind of setting, but it's super suspicious to the others! 4. If you're a traitor, all kills are done in PMs, after discussing so with the other traitors of this game. In no way are you allowed to tell anyone outside of the traitor PM of your role. Doing so would result with your character being booted from the roleplay. 5. If you're killed by a traitor, it's an insta-death! You will be notified beforehand via PM, as well as getting a few clues on the death that the others don't get to hear. Of course, that isn't the end, because you will be sent into the "afterlife" portion of the game. Not to mention that there's a slight chance to get back into the game. 6. When the time comes for an update, I will tell everyone to stop posting so I can post the update. The updates are usually the beginning of a round, announcement of a murder committed by a traitor, (in later rounds) trial intro with gathered info, execution, and it goes on like that. 7. If you are reading these rules (which you should be doing), be sure to add this little emoticon to the end of your character sheet: (★^O^★) 8. Be sure to vote every round when the time comes, or at least interact in each round once. Otherwise, your character will be eliminated from the game. 9. Have fun gais! ( o 3 o ) ---- If you read all of this, head on to the character sign up section!