Although empty upon arrival, Klaus knew it was only a matter of time before someone showed up to the estate. So when he had arrived, he had snooped around the large home and eventually retreated into the kitchen. He knew Mira kept bags in the freezer; a vampire unfamiliar with the home could make the assumption, as the faint aroma of blood always hung in the kitchen atmosphere. However, unlike the rest of Mira Kingston's little family, he preferred traditional methods of feeding. So, he was still at the kitchen table, his pale fingers turning the pages of an old book as his nose occasionally wrinkled in annoyance. Suddenly, though, a presence. And Klaus realized this vampire had been here for a relatively long time, only now making a statement of "here I am" in the room just next to the kitchen. A Kingston had no reason to sneak around the estate. Perhaps a Blackmoore? Although Klaus wasn't at odds with the Blackmoores like the Kingstons were, irritation set in. The vampire stood and stepped to the kitchen entrance way, his gaze falling on the figure cloaked in darkness. He was quick to assess the stranger: armed to the teeth, ready to defend their self should the need arise. _Defend_, echoed in Klaus' mind with hesitant relief; although considered old even for a vampire, he lacked the power many other vampires had. And walking around armed was for brutes and humans, in his opinion, anyway. Despite the anxiety settling into Klaus' mind, he put on a toothy grin, his eyes alight with curiosity. "Can I help you?" he prompted the stranger, allowing annoyance to lace his tone. "Maybe show you how to knock?" --- The night had barely started and Mira was already exhausted by undead drama. Between the stand off at club Tortuga and having to send Praetor in to gather the rest of her unruly family, she was done. However, the cool darkness offered some relief. Perhaps she just needed air. Regardless, her path was directing her back to the estate, but it'd still be a while until she reached home. Automobiles were not the woman's favorite mode of travel and walking provided her time to think. Still, even for a vampire, the streets weren't completely safe. Others roamed about and she kept her guard up; she was relatively young for a vampire, after all. Especially for a vampire who claimed to be the head of the family. She at least trusted Praetor and Klaus at her back, both of whom held a certain influence as ancients that she wouldn't have for a long, long time.