> Yeah, I know for sure Gail isn't going anywhere anytime soon. After all, she has some pretty bad cuts on both her leg and back so moving isn't the easiest thing in the world. Then again, I can't have Gail leave the fight for what I have in plan. > > I probably should have stated this earlier but in my rush to get this OOC out I forgot something. That was choices. They are one of the most integral parts of this story. Your characters always have choice even at the beginning of the story. You could have decided to fight or run and hide(though I would not have counted it as a choice really). Choices are what allows me to advance and manipulate a rather liquid plot. Think of it this way, your choices are like flood gates. Certain choices can advance the plot slowly while others can cause a rapid advancement. Other choices can lead down to a sub-plot or a lore section of the plot. But never, and I mean **never**, is it possible for the choice you make to never advance plot. > > So yes, the plot is like a river and your choices are like flood gates. Currently I would classify C3p's choice as a plot advancing choice. >Also, I need to stop taking forever to type these. I like the way you work. Having such an open roleplay that allows for characters to really act like they should, rather than being shuffled around at times where they'd act differently and possibly make their own paths due to something normally minor in the big picture of things. I'm excited to see how Ruko will end up going through this, as even though I'm controlling her, the roleplay being so open with choices means her entire quest could be different from what I originally expected due to one argument, one action, or just some temptation. Even though I have her memories mostly planned out, I don't even know if she'll get them back. This alone has given me so much more faith in this roleplay, and along with this cast of characters, I just know we'll get somewhere. Might even be the first roleplay I'll get to see end, or maybe I'll die. Who knows? xD