Mantam soon found that the population of The Cave slowly began to dwindle, as people began to run out to make the preparations necessary for their new position trapped in Paradise, whether that be shopping or going to level. Soon enough she found only herself and Marinette remained. She found herself with little to do. Her head was still spinning. She knew she should do something, seeing as her life now hinged on her success in Paradise, but she was lost. She felt wholly useless. She wished she was playing another character when this had happened. Mirage Shifter was fun, but it possesses some very clear shortcomings. When a Mirage Shifter has burned through all their mana, they are in a very tough position. Due to the nature of the class they are typically at the front of the group, but once all of their mana is gone they are then left at the front of the group in a very squishy formed. A dangerous position in a game with a potential for death. She knew that she would do better on one of her alts, even a frontline fighter without limitations like the Mirage Shifter's. But it was impossible to switch. Instead, she moved to the Cave's couch and plopped down onto it. She felt her heart twisting wit guilt at her own selfishness, choosing to rest while everyone was working. But she was having difficulty coping, and didn't want to go out on her own. Paradise was a dangerous place, and she was terrified of dying.