**“An ambulance is on its way!”** The voice from the back took Reyna from her staring at the woman who was ringing up her various items for the youth night at church. Her eyes glanced at him, noticing both the person with the brightly colored hair and another had joined the line. She gave them both a small nod, acknowledging them as turned her attention between both the workers as they explained the situation that was going on. What kind of people would beat up any other person? Reyna shook her head, this town seemed to be going down hill day after day. Reyna looked out the glass front doors to be greeted by her father's impatient glares. The woman worker had barely rang up any of her items. Through the doors Reyna had been looking through came a small group of freshman athletes, some in which Reyna knew from the youth nights, and the church congregation in general. Parting her lips she meant to say hello to them by name but was interrupted by one of them speaking, **"You seen any freaks around here?"** he called, and Reyna's lips closed tightly. That was no way to be speaking to anyone, let alone a group of strangers at a store. Reyna parted her lips once more to speak, but the customer behind her spoke before she could muster out the courage or the words. The two spoke between one another back and forth as Reyna stood awkwardly- wishing the cashier would quickly just ring her up and get her out of this situation. It was then the person behind her darted out and with extreme precise made the leader fall to the ground with a sickening thud. **"Say that again, I dare you,"** they said, as the rest of the group of punks fell back shortly, almost as wide eyed as Reyna who stood there watching the whole thing go down. *"Oh my."* she said in the midst of the silence. Another ringing of the grocery store door came quickly after as Pastor Carlson came in with a huff. **"What exactly is going on in here?"** he exclaimed, loudly. **"I know all of your families and will not take any time to contact them."** he said, pulling out his cellphone out of his slack's pocket without hesitation. Reyna's face grew hot, why did her dad have to get involved in everything? The boys, unsure of whether they were scared of the hooded ninja or the pastor, took no time in high tailing it out of there, the leader making sure to give the hooded ninja a good and hard push before scrambling out from under their gasp. **"Reyna."** Her father said in a very demanding tone, and Reyna became tense. *"I haven't got to pay yet."* she said, quietly. Ashley; the worker quite obviously very overwhelmed with the whole situation began to sob. Reyna's father came strolling over, bagging all the groceries and taking the fifty dollar bill from Reyna's grip. He pressed the bar on the cashier and placed the bill in. **"Keep the change."** he spoke, before slamming the drawer back shut. **"As for the rest of you, this is no way to act. You'll be in my prayers."** he looked to Reyna and spoke, **"Come Reyna."** The ambulance now wailed outside of Food 'N Stuff. *"I'd like to help here Daddy."* Reyna spoke quietly, nodding. Her father looked first disgruntled, but then smiled and nodded, **"Yes, give them the word, but make sure you are by church at 7:00pm for the youth night. "** he began, **"Or else."**. he ended, turning and heading back to the car in the parking lot, throwing away her chocolate bar, speaking to the ambulance workers a bit and eventually getting into the car and leaving. *"Are you all o-okay?"* Reyna asked to everyone in the room. The whole situation was very stressful, and if she was this shaken, she couldn't imagine what everyone else was feeling. The ambulance workers eventually got inside looking for instruction.