> Yeah, it takes a lot of work to keep a roleplay rolling and I admit that sometimes I have lost the drive to keep playing and dropped out. The death of some roleplays have been on me for that but this is one roleplay I have no intention on killing. And far-off is correct. I know for sure that Act 1 is not going to be short and I doubt Act 2(And maybe 3) is going to be short either. Occasionally roleplays just leave you bored or you generally get shunned by others(I've personally had this experience and it's more irritating than depressing), so dropping out on occasion is understandable. Glad you're dedicated to this, as it's hard to find a GM really looking to see something through rather than just amuse him/herself for a short while before not caring anymore. Just throw a few more acts onto that list and this could turn into a Diablo RP. Lol.