An explosion of air released from her mouth as her fingers released the steering wheel. Heart racing, Ferra looked around the car confused and terrified. Why was she now in the driver's seat? She was met with another person's face who's breath smelled terrible, **"Holy shit, I thought you were gone!"** an unfamiliar woman said, with a bit of a laugh. **"You were so gone Tiffany, damn. I bet that was a ride."** the woman spoke again, and Ferra just stared with no idea of what was going on. **"We better get back to work though, Tony might kill us if we're on break too long."** the woman said getting out of the car, and walking up the steps towards the establishment they were parked behind. Ferra began sobbing, she was so confused. She gazed up to the rear view mirror and was met with a very much older version of herself, but in a way dirtier. *"I must have fallen asleep on the ride to grandma and grandpa's"* she admitted, as she looked over her body. She had grown breasts, and was littered with tattoos of roses and butterflies. Looking around the car she found her backpack in the back. *"I knew this was a dream!"* she exclaimed, grabbing up the backpack and opening it up. Inside was children's things but nothing that belonged to her. The papers had the name Cheyanne, Adelia, and Neil on them- various children's assignments and handwriting. She read over one of the paper's that had a drawing of a family on it. **KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK** Ferra jumped as the window next to her was rattled by a heavy knocking from a man. **"Tiffany what the fuck do you think you're doing. You're on in 5 minutes."** Ferra only could nod, frightened by the huge man. He swung open the door and grabbed her arm and practically dragged her up the stairs and into the establishment. Ferra saw the words "Second Life" blinking dimly at the top of the place before she was pushed in the door. **"Don't catch me finding you out back taking breaks like that ever again."** the man said again, letting her go and going through the sea of half naked women in this dank back room. Ferra's heart raced as she clawed to get out of the door but was caught by the woman with the sour breath once more. **"I told you to hurry up! That shit must have really got you going- let's go, I'll do your hair and makeup. You're up to perform in a bit."** *"Perform?"* Ferra spoke out loud, and the woman laughed, **"No shit, princess. We're not doing taxes!"** she cackled as she shoved Ferra into a seat and started applying makeup and doing her hair. Ferra smiled, it was just like before her recitals for dance class. **"You're all done."** the girl said and Ferra leaned in, looking at the dimly lit mirror. She really thought she looked beautiful in this older dream body. Perhaps this wasn't so bad of a dream after all. *"Where is my tutu?"* Ferra asked and got a blank stare in return by a few of the other women in the room. The sour mouthed woman cackled again, smacking Ferra on the back, **"Tiffany, you're so fucking funny. Go take off your clothes, and get your ass out there already Destinee is almost done."** Ferra frowned, the smack felt so real and stung. What did she mean take off her clothes? In front of all these others? This wasn't anything like dance recital. *"Wake up"* Ferra said, pinching her arm, over and over.