Alver watched the others, the darker skinned and quiet girl in front of him giving a slight nod in a mild greeting. He was a little surprised at the gesture but did the same, though looked to the man screaming about a ambulance coming. He wondered what was going on, before deciding it was probably better not to get involved. It was then that more annoyances decided to make themselves known. Some kids, perhaps middle schoolers or freshmen, entered and demanded to know if there were any freaks. At this, Alver stepped foreword, his lavender gave narrowed, though the color turned a slight red as the sun outside hit them oddly. This made some of them nervously shift a bit at the sight of a much taller pale colored man. Standing 7'0, he towered over most of the people here, but it was then the small purple haired person seemed to get angry and throw the leader group of bullies down to the ground. Raising his right hand to rub his right temple to calm any nerves, he was about to step in until some man came in and disrupted the argument. Talking with the girl who had greeted him, basically doing the sobbing cashier's job before leaving. Not before preaching to them of course. *"I didn't even do anything... Preachers."* Alver thought before looking at the ambulance pull up and the paramedics pull up and ask for where the injured person was. Looking to the two panicked workers, Alver figured their mindset wasn't exactly calm enough to actually breathe coherent sentences so he looked to the paramedics and pointed to the back and to the door he saw the female worker come from. **"I believe she's in there."** his voice silky and calm before looking at the male worker. **"Better go take them to whoever is in trouble."** he said before looking to the sobbing woman. The long white haired man stood there, unsure what exactly to do in this situation. It wasn't like he comforted people, or spoke to any. Plus he also still needed his food before going out on his nightly walk. Actually everyone seemed on edge, even the girl who wanted to stay when she could of gone with her father. Perhaps he should feel it to, and maybe he did but he also knew panicking over it wasn't going to do any good. The bullies were gone and the paramedics were here, so whoever was in trouble would hopefully be alright . There was little more to do about it. **"Miss, please calm down and take deep breaths."** Alver said in a calm, but kinder voice. The girl was still shaking , but her sobs slowly slowed. He sighed before taking out his wallet and put down enough twenty dollars on the counter and started checking his own items.