**"Ah, damn it."** Altzer said as he looked at the approaching figure. **"My luck is terrible today."** A menacing cloaked figure had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and now some kind of gothic style coffin was appearing out of thin air. Altzer took out his phone and tapped on the icon that said 'Colour Tracker', and sure enough, the person in front of him was also a Colour. Across from Altzer's white dot, was a black dot. _I'm repeating myself a lot too._ He said to himself as his thoughts drifted to some minutes beforehand... --- _**Some amount of minutes beforehand...**_ **"Ah, damn it."** Altzer said at the scenery from his position on the park bench. **"My luck is terrible today."** He should've been home by now. Instead, he'd been wandering around for the past 2 hours, with practically no results to show for it. _Well, I guess I've reached that park I new was near my house_ He thought. _But I don't remember how to get back home from here..._ It was quite a nice park, he supposed. The trees and the lawn seemed to be well kept. There weren't too many people around, and there were even a few dogs around, all wagging their tails excitedly. But he didn't share their enthusiasm, he was tired now, all that running around was taking its toll. And he was hungry as well. _Dinner tonight is spaghetti too..._ He thought, his mouth drooling. He loved spaghetti, especially his mother's spaghetti. Even though his parents were away for the week, they'd put enough food in the fridge for him to survive on his own, and they'd given him some extra money in case something happened. _Wait, can't I just ask someone where my apartment is?_ Of course! Why hadn't he thought that before? Looking up excitedly, he saw a lady with dogs that looked like she knew where she was going he could ask. And since he looked like a young impressionable child, he was sure that the she wouldn't mind him asking questions. He jumped up from the bench and jogged towards the lady. **"Excuse me obaa-san, but can you give me directions to-..."** He trailed off. Then he realized the major flaw in his new plan. He had no idea what the name of his apartment building was. He had been told it once, but he'd forgotten because it had never been important... **"It- It's uh, a- an, apartment building..."** He stammered. The dogs the lady was walking started to sniff him interestedly. **"It's supposed to be nearby somewhere, but I don't know where it is..."** He continued. Looking up at the woman, he added: **"Can you help me find it?"** He put on the best puppy eyes he could, then he said: **"Please...?"** The lady hesitated for a second, before stooping down, the dogs parting before her and putting on a kindly smile. "There's only one apartment building near here, and it's just over there." She said, pointing down towards the north. "Just go down that street and take the first turn on your left." **"Thanks obaa-san!"** Altzer said over his shoulder as he started off at a run. Waving at her, he looked back forward as he ran towards the street. _Looks like I'll be back in time to enjoy my spaghetti!_ He thought joyfully. --- **_Current time..._** _Looks like I won't be getting to enjoy my spaghetti tonight._ He thought sadly. As he looked, the figure in front of him thrust his hand through the lid of the conjured coffin as if it weren't there, and proceeded to slowly pull a giant blood stained scythe from it as if he were death himself. _Wait, isn't he one of those serial killers that's been on the news recently?_ He suddenly thought, _If I'm not mistaken, he's the Coffin Reaper..._ Even with that revelation, it didn't help him any. No one knew much about the Coffin Reaper, especially not how he fought. _And just in front of my apartment too..._ Fighting him would be dangerous. He didn't know what he was capable of, and he was supposedly a mass murderer, meaning he was probably good at killing people. On the other hand, if Altzer ran away he didn't have anywhere to go. They were right in front of his house, which meant he would probably know if Altzer ran away and came back later. _Fighting him might be the better option here._ Altzer thought, _Because he doesn't know what I'm capable of either._ With that thought in his mind, he broke into a charge, straight at the Coffin Reaper.