--- **Early Morning at the Bristol Home** --- The living room was dark and eerily quiet except for the faint glow of a muted TV near the far corner. In front of that TV, laying on the sofa, was a middle aged woman who was half asleep. On the coffee table in front of her was a silver ash tray and an empty bottle of spirits accompanying. She sat there staring at the TV when a subtle creaking sound occurred behind her revealing a second source of light from the doorway. "I'm heading off to school, mum," a gentle voice called out from a distance. "Before youu gooo, caan you bring me a drin-k..." a slurred voice replied as Lexie's mother repositioned herself in the seat to drunkenly reach over and grab a packet of cigarettes. "I'm still waiting," she called out again noticing that Lexie hadn't moved at all. "Mum... It's 7am and I need to go to scho..." "You think you're sooo damn smart, going to school and getting those 'perfect' grades... But I am your MOTHER and asked you to do something," at that moment Lexie's mother fumbled her hand over to the bottle before picking it up and flipping it over towards the door. The door quickly slammed shut as the sound of a shattering bottle echoed throughout the household. Lexie, feeling distraught, dropped to her knees as she felt a violent surge of power flow through her body. From the way her mother treated her she should have been used to it by now, but this was a regular occurrence and it affected her every time. However this time she felt like throwing up. The skin on her arms tightened as it began to split open and reveal a grey, dry but simultaneously moist flesh underneath. Her mouth extended it's opening like a boa constrictor and attempted to turn her body almost inside out. In spite of what her body was doing and how her mind began to panic, her body soon began to relax as it realised there was no immediate threat. She felt her sickness fade and watched as the cancroid like flesh disappeared beneath her skin, leaving a young teenager with a very bad case of perspiration and rapid breathing. _"...they also have powers based of a major trait of their personality..."_ "Powers? What kind of power is this?!" she whispered to herself as she reached over towards her school bag and pulled it closer to herself, "I need to find out what's happening to 'us', and why?" --- **Later at School, Class 7-A** --- "Be still." The words created a silence that could cause a mime to think they lost their hearing. A silence that was broken by a teacher barking orders at naughty students who seemly forgot who was truly in charge of the class. Lexie sat in her chair towards the back corner of the room watching the other students walking away from Lucifer. Her seat was in a position that allowed her to view everyone but mostly to avoid getting things thrown at her from behind, similar to what happened in her younger years. She had her pencil case propped open with her phone sitting inside displaying a list of colours in the local area trying to work out how to read the map. "Lexie? Do you understand this map?" a voice secretly enquired from next to her. "Huh? You mean the app?" she replied without thinking properly. "What? No! I'm talking about the assignment he gave us last week," the girl next to her gave Lexie a funny look as if to think she was some kind of idiot. "You know, the environmental pollution in our local city?" "Oh, I haven't had a chance to look at..." Lexie's whispers were cut off by the bellow of the teacher up the front of the class calling for the class to remain quiet. She looked forward noting that the teacher hadn't even made the effort to turn away from writing on the board at the front of the room.