**Name:**Joe Louis **Age:** (I have no idea yet. I'll probable pick after everyone did theirs and just blend in with the background) **Gender:**Male **Themesong:** [Rakim - Follow the leader](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95gP3m-uBHA) **Class:** Striker **Appearance:** (I´ll get back to this.) **History: ** Joe Louis was born as a normal guy that just happened to like boxing. This interest drew him into other martial arts like Dutch Kickboxing, wrestling and Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. There was nothing really off about him or something special that might have happened in his life to motivate him to join the academy. He just really happened to like fighting and thought fighting against demons were cool. Lucky for him, he was born with the innate talent for chi and hand to hand martial arts, particularly stand up. **Statistics: ** Level - 1 HP - 10 (100) MP - 10 (100) (Is this Chi or?) Attack - 15 Magic - 10 Speed - 15 Accuracy - 15 Defense - 10 Evasion - 5 Resistance - 10 **Spells/Skills:** **Spell/Skill Name [2]-** Brown Bomber **Description of Ability:** Joe strings a simple four punches combo together from the four basic punches but enhances the speed the greatly and is able to perform it twice (because leveled up) in the same time it would take to perform one normal punch of this. It doesn't increase strength however. (Command: It's over, you know that, right?) Consumes 20 MP every time. **Spell/Skill Name [1]- **Boxing footwork. **Description of Ability:** Joe pushes off his leg and uses chi to increase the speed of the step, can be used to get closer to an enemy or for evasion purposes. (Step)