NAME: Jenna James Bartlett AGE: 17 SIGN: Aquarius APPEARANCE: (WIP) LOCATION OF SYMBOL: Foot – Left Heel ABILITY: Water and ice manipulation. BIO: Jenna James (sometimes known as “JJ”) was born in a dilapidated inner city area with few amenities for young children – the only entertainment she and her siblings could find was always wandering the streets and causing trouble, admiring the gang culture that older kids took part in. While not all too interested in taking part in the violence herself, she was often the one to stir up a fight through gossip and spreading rumours in order to watch the ensuing fight; however, all that changed when her oldest, estranged brother was reportedly murdered in connection with drug-related crimes. With absentee parents, it was up to JJ – the second oldest child – to provide for her younger siblings; however, she could only do that through obviously illegal means as her part-time, off-the-books job as a waitress couldn't support them. Jenna James joined a bad, if lucrative crowd, but as she became more and more settled in her new way of life, word eventually got around to the authorities that she was keeping folk silent about her criminal life through the use of her abnormal ability; controlling water. It didn't take long until she was forcibly taken to the Zodiac Program.