![enter image description here](http://oi59.tinypic.com/e88sup.jpg "enter image title here") Here's a map of what I've been working on. Basically, I've outlined our kingdom with a black line and also outlined the historical Austria in 1400AD with dotted lines. Our kingdom is the purple one, the brown one west of it should be duchy of Franconia, the green big one to the south is Austria that survived, tiny brown one under Austria is duchy of Carniola, lime green one west of Carniola is county of Gorizia, yellow above it is duchy of Salzburg and the farthest to the left colored in red is duchy of Tyrol. Note: I made a mistake that I just realized. Salzburg was never part of Austria until 19th century. PS: This is just the first step and it looks a bit bland so I will work on that and give a more detailed look of our kingdom. I have a full map including northern Africa, Asia Minor and parts of Russia as well to fill out and I'm using Euroatlas' 1400AD map as a reference.