@Strawberries: Thank you! Welcome to the RP! @NoBrain: So far so good, pre-emptive approval! A few formatting changes could be made, though it's not a big deal and can be done at your convenience. MP is magic/mana points, like in most games, with the idea being that even though they don't use magic, the equipment that Martial Classes are exposed to causes the energy to seep into their bodies and let them use "lesser magic" of a sort for their Skills. The "chi" thing for Strikers isn't like DBZ or Naruto, but simply a reflection of that magic energy within them. The main topic is up now, along with a character form and my own character to help as an example. Here's the link: [AcadeMMO: First Semester](http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/75526/posts/ic)