(The text in **bold** was written by Silver Fox, and the text in *italics* was written by MissCapnCrunch. Much thanks to them!) Aaron had been watching the scuffle with the attackers rather helplessly. He wanted to jump in and get everyone to calm down, but the short kid with the bright purpley-blue hair had just pinned the leader down on the floor. The really, really pale guy loomed over everyone and the other girl watched, wide eyed. The latter looked very familiar to Aaron, like he'd seen her somewhere before... Without warning, the answer to that mystery pushed himself through the glass door and glared imperiously at all of them. Pastor Carlson. "What exactly is going on in here? I know all of your families and will not take any time to contact them." That much was certainly true. Aaron went to church with his folks every Sunday, which is why the quiet girl looked so familiar to him. He watched as the scene continued to unfold, wringing his still bloody hands nervously. The preacher preached, the freshman kids ran out, and the preacher left, leaving a group of students dealing with mixed emotions in his wake. *"Are you all o-okay?"* Reyna asked the rest of them, apparently a bit distraught herself. “Yeah.” Aaron answered shortly, finally coming down from his panic and adrenalin rush. It wasn't quite the runner's high he used to get when he was ran track in middle school, but it was close. Just then the EMTs burst into the store, and the tall pale guy directed them to the store room before turning to Aaron and saying, **“Better go take them to whoever is in trouble.”** Aaron nodded up at the giant and jogged behind the paramedics, who were already heading towards the store room. “I managed to get her onto some pillows. She's pretty light.” He said as they entered. He watched them work for a moment before remembering his stained hands. Leaving them to their jobs, Aaron quickly snuck into the employee bathroom and scrubbed his hands as clean as he could get them. By the time he came back out, they had already gotten the girl on a stretcher and were on their way out. As they all reached the front of the store, Aaron asked them where they were going to take her. They answered bluntly, “Saint Joseph's Hospital.” and hurriedly left the store. Aaron, who wanted to see this through, knew he couldn't leave a cashier alone to tend the store, let alone one who was currently fighting her tears with the help of the pale guy. Aaron approached poor Ashley and said to her quietly, “Ashley, you can go home. I'm going to the hospital to make sure she's alright. I'll lock up the store and you can take the rest of the day off.” “But...t-the registers...we haven't counted-” she protested through sniffles. “I'll lock them in the safe for now and count them later, don't worry about it. I'll make sure it all evens out, okay? If it doesn't I'll take the hit. You just head home and get some rest.” “What if Shelly comes back after you locked up? You'll get in trouble.” Ashley asked, shakily emerging from behind the counter. “She won't. And if she does, I'll take care of it.” Aaron said reassuringly, leading her outside. “You don't live far, right? Do you think you can walk home?” Ashley nodded, starting to come to her senses. “Okay, I'll give you a call later. Get some rest.” he said as the front door closed behind her. Aaron sighed and turned around, seeing the group of strangers who had stumbled upon the scene. Thinking that they might want to see this through as well, he said, “Like I said, I'm going to the hospital too. If anyone else wants to come, I'll give you a lift.” Aaron saw the short kid nod silently, still looking angry from the incident. **Alver glances toward the man as he returned, offering a ride to those who wanted to go with them. A part of him did want to go to make sure whoever this was was alright. But on the other hand, he didn't really want to be crammed into a car with a bunch of strangers. Plus he hadn't exactly been in a car before either. Picking up his things he started heading out the door. "No thank you. I don't think I'm needed." Alver responded politely as he just about went through the door.** Aaron shrugged, flipping a switch in one of the corners of the store. Most of the lights in the place shut off as he said to the white haired guy, “Okay, then. Thanks for the help. Just make sure you don't run into those jerks on the way home.” **Alver blinked a little at the thanks, feeling like he hadn't done much. It was mostly the small kid who did it. He just calmed down the sobbing female worker. But he waved his hand in acknowledgement and gave a quick smile before starting heading home. ** *Reyna nodded, as the paramedics took the young girl. "I'd like to go with." she spoke after the fair skinned boy, she too didn't feel very needed in the situation but would rather go with them than be at home. Strangers didn't bother her, as she dealt with them quite constantly. * “Okay, Reyna, right? I remember you from church.” Aaron said this as he removed the drawers from the cash registers into the safe and locked it, just in case someone managed to get into the store somehow. After he was done with that he held the door open for the others as they passed through it, locking it behind them and double checking that both doors were secure. As he led them to the lonely black four door in the parking lot, he said to them jokingly, “It's my Dad's car, so nobody mess it up.” They all climbed into the car and were soon on their way to Saint Joseph's Hospital.