Sorry for not being on for the last few days, my computer seemed to refuse to connect. Anyway, I was thinking of adding a "Walking the Line" Character to act as Redbacks main antagonist. When I say "Walking the Line" I mean that he is a being that does the wrong thing for the right reasons. Essentially, like Redback, he kills people to make the world better. However, whereas Redback protects and kills for long term success, allowing monsters to live to teach the world a lesson that ultimately makes the world better. Kestrel kills bad people regardless of the long-term effects. Which is why he and Redback are constantly at odds. Kestrel is a former Spider that was charged with protecting Stallin, however, after the 50 million Jews he had put to death, he began questioning his orders. Using magic to corrupt the Spider, it transformed into an Eagle, basically the same thing, but with a Bird motif rather than a Spider motif. Also, those Eagles tend to have large wings, and tend to be Synthetic, rather than the Organic Spider's. They primarily take Children as hosts. This is my concept art for Kestrel. ![](