Lol, it'd also make I'on...less likely to side with the two if they end up killing guardsmen. He has lived in Zerul for a good while, has a good reputation, and is a generally upstanding individual for the most part. Ironically, Morgan's assessment of him never having lived outside of society is quite inaccurate, but that is from his perspective and the vampire hardly knows the little penin well enough to think otherwise :P We'll see how things progress, but if they end up fighting the guards, I'on will quickly second guess his alliance with them, and have to very swiftly choose whom to unleash his magic upon to deadly efficiency. Either way this goes it should be interesting, and that's what's important ^_^ Edit for Shien: Very true, as I mentioned above briefly. That does bring a good point up, as to whether I'on would do so. I'm sure he'd sense the killing intent to at least some extent, if that's even a reasonable way of putting it. Plus Morgan's movements are not exactly ones someone takes who isn't about to be blatantly hostile/dangerous. So knocking the fellow out, or knocking him from his frenzy, is quite possible.