Rei remained silent as the others talked, apart from to give a nod to indicate that she wanted to come. He still looked rather angry, blue eyes glaring out from underneath his hood, but it certainly was not directed at the other three. He watched as the took the young girl into the ambulance with a frown and followed the other two over to a car, belonging to the other male. Of course he did not know either's name. Well, the female did seem to be called Reyna. For the car journey Rei remained silent, not even offering up his name as he stared out of the window with narrowed eyes. He was annoyed about a lot now. What the bullies had said was nagging at him... And taking up all of his thoughts. They had called the young girl a freak, given her the pronoun it. Why would they do something like that? There must be some reason. He definitely had theories. What if this girl was similar to him - didn't always want to be the gender she had been assigned to? Or didn't want to be that gender at all? He should really stop thinking on it. It was rude to think about someone else that you didn't really know. Well, something so personal. The Pastor, at least that was who Rei had recognised him as, had also annoyed him. He quite frankly didn't care if his parent's were contacted. He had stopped caring about his parent's opinions of him a long time ago. But still, Rei had been fully justified in his actions! Then the Pastor had just came in and lectured them all and talked about praying for them. Hah. He'd had his parents praying for him for a very long time. Like it had made a difference. Thankfully the car journey was quite a short one, though of course they arrived after the ambulance. Rei got out of the car and glanced around, beginning to look slightly less like he wanted to kill someone by now. He still didn't look particularly happy, of course, and was beginning to wonder if coming along had been a good idea. That meant socialising. Of course he wanted to know that the girl was okay. He wanted to find out why they'd done that to her and then he wanted to stop the bullies from doing it again. He hated bullies. Turning to the others, he spoke quietly. "So, what do we do now?"