**“Okay, Reyna, right? I remember you from church.”** The boy said as he went about fixing the cash registers. Reyna searched her mind for his name, and decided it must have been something that started with an A. It was difficult at times remembering everyone, even though the town didn't have much of a population. *"You're Aaron."* she commented almost like a whisper. It wouldn't surprise her if he hadn't heard her. Not long after Aaron led both the hooded ninja and Reyna to the black four door car in the parking lot. Stopping next to it he said to them jokingly, **“It's my Dad's car, so nobody mess it up.”** Reyna returned a small chuckle, mostly out of nervousness but she also thought it was a genuinely funny comment. Reyna picked shotgun to ride in. Turning in her seat she wanted to ask what the other person's name was but the angry, strikingly blue eyes staring back at her caused her to change her mind. She cleared her throat before turning around quickly in her seat and buckling her seat belt. The good thing about a small town was that everything was 'only a few minutes' away. They arrived at Saint Josephs quickly. As the car came to a stop a quiet voice came from the back, **"So, what do we do now?"** they asked, and Reyna turned to look between both of them in the car. *"I guess we should go in and find the girl?"* she questioned, unbuckling herself and turning to exit the car.