> Haha, cool. I wasn't aware it was so... likable? I was really debating the Champion, possible Tuskmon or Cyclomon- both of whom for which I have a special fondness, as I have several cards of them. > Yeah, it's not that I dislike any specific one of those Digimon, it's just that when they're put all together, something feels off, like if I do Guilmon through WarGrowlmon, I don't think I'd do Gallantmon, and while Guilmon is the most sensible Rookie for Gallantmon, I don't know, I'd have put a MegaloGrowlmon as a Mega, but that won't work, as they're Ultimates. > Yup, I figure the big lug needs some attention. As for Darkdramon- well, I have one as an antagonist in another RP, and also it's the final form of Nekane's usual partner. > Digi what now? Nah, I just have a fondness for Digimon that people don't use that often. Like Kotemon and Hawkmon, for example. Also, I was talking to Digizel with that last point. Reference to our Digimon RP. Sorry if it confused you.