Issac had simply been relaxing on his bed in his dormitory after a day without a lick of activity. When he could feel his eyes closing, uncontrollably. Soon he was out like a light, as his eyes opened again and he rose. He heard a sound he never should have heard. The sound of his shoes scraping stone. He was on his rooftop hideout in Deep Ground, but not as Vengeful Reaper. He was his plain old self, but why? Who even HAD the capability to do such a thing and not risk themselves at all? Not even the Black King could do this, no way. No goddamned WAY. So now the question remained: Who did this? His heart nearly stopped when he got the message, that based on wording was for all of DGO. **Greetings Players of Deep Ground Online. From your standpoint, you may be wondering many things. Allow me then, to enlighten you of your situation. In short, you are now placed within the Deep Ground Program indefinitely. However, as you also may notice, you are each stripped of your Player Avatar and their Abilities. Also take note that your Private Messaging systems among one another are no longer functional. In short, you are completely human and trapped in this world. The game is simple; your minds in the living world are still connected to your chips. However, I have made some rather amusing enhancements. If you die in Deep Ground, a lethal electrical charge will be sent to your brain. You will die instantly. Why have I done this? That too is simple in itself. You people are so....interesting. Please have fun with this new addition to the Deep Ground experience. -Silver Jester ** Isaac stared off for a moment, unable to think. Though after he came to his senses, he immediately found his way to the ground and scouted the city for anyone he might recognize. No one, so he decided to head to the ruined Green City, seeing as it is the one place he remembered, and probably had the more welcoming of the groups. He had to hurry, there was little time before all Hell broke loose. Soon everyone would be grouping into little parties to save their asses and hurt others. Then the groups would band into larger ones and somehow assert a hierarchical order of power based on who dominates the rest. It was basic human nature, and it may work in his favor.