Olivia woke up with a long but light gasp as she sat up straight with a bit of a startle. The first thing she sees is just black. The left half was completely black, while the right half showed little light near the bottom. Olivia put a hand over her left eye; something was covering it. While with her right eye was just covered by her hair from her silent observation. She then moved her hand to her right eye as she moved her hair away to see, only to blinded by white as her face cowered away with the squinting of her eye. *Oh good lord!* Olivia thought to herself *Did I die?* The white was so bright, it seemed like she was in heaven. Right? Olivia's vision then started to focus, but barely. She could see fuzzy outlines of furniture. Olivia blinked her blurry brown eye before adjusting to the brightness. She looked around the room from where she sat, holding her hair up to keep it away from in front of her eye. She then noticed two...somethings against the wall. She couldn't exactly tell what they were with her vision as she squinted her one eye at them. Are they...two brown fuzzballs with clothes? All Olivia did right now was squint at them, trying to make out what or who they are or try to force her vision to enhance which obviously proved no use.